Page 11 of Stray Omega


They had been trekking for some time now, and the sun was getting high in the sky. Its warm rays glowed green through the young leaves overhead.

Embla’s obedience had won her a few more morsels of savory meat, doled out by Leros at regular intervals, as well as plenty of clean water to wash it down. If it had been entirely up to the friendly young alpha, Embla suspected that she would have gotten as much food as she wanted. But the leader, Ark, always commanded Leros to stop feeding her after two or three pieces so her hunger was never fully sated. Oh well, at least they let her drink her fill of the water.

Meanwhile, Orwen kept a tight hold on her leash, glowering at her darkly.

So far, the vigilant alpha had provided no chances for the omega to escape.

But she needed to act soon. Embla knew this wilderness well, and she realized they were getting close to the forest’s edge. Beyond that lay an open prairie where escape would be much more difficult. Impossible, even.

And she knew where the alphas were taking her.

The place of high towers.

The Central Ruins.

Embla would have known that even if she had been blindfolded. There was a strange energy that emanated from that place, like the light of an invisible sun. The closer they got to the ruined city, the stronger that energy became.

Embla did not know what the source of that mysterious energy was. She had never ventured too close to the city. She had only ever seen it from afar.

But if she didn’t escape from these alphas soon, she would see it up close.

Embla had to admit that she was curious about the city and the alphas who inhabited it. After all, wasn’t that curiosity what had gotten her into this mess? If she had not dallied last night at the alphas’ camp, she would already be back in her den, hunkered down with food and water to last her through the painful interval of her heat.

Instead, here she was. A captive on a leash.

Things could be worse. So far, the alphas had treated her well enough. They had not physically abused her the way the bad alphas would have done. Plus, they had fed her, even if there were ulterior motives for that. They had even stopped to apply a healing salve to the burns on her thigh before wrapping them in a cloth bandage.

Under any other conditions, the omega would have almost been willing to go with these alphas.

But her heat was coming, and that was bad.

Embla could already feel the shameful sensations mounting inside her. The ticklish feeling in her lower core had transitioned into a quivering sensation. Her skin prickled with goosebumps despite the warmth of the late morning air. And worst of all, she’d been forced to drape her long blond hair over her breasts to conceal the aching tautness of her nipples.

And it would only get worse as the day wore on.

Her heat was coming on even more quickly than she’d expected. Being in the presence of the alphas had something to do with that. Their raw masculine scent was inescapable. It invaded her very pores.

As they marched onward, Embla found her eyes tracing the lines of Ark’s heavily muscled back. The hard, shifting bulges around his neck and shoulders, the channel of his spine running with sweat, the deep dimples astride his tailbone.

But most of all, her eyes fixated on the hard, smooth, sexy spheres of his ass, flexing with each confident stride.

Embla couldn’t help imagining how those hot mounds of flesh would feel clutched in her squeezing fingers while Ark spread her out and plunged his pierced manhood deep into her dripping hole.

Oh no…

This was getting out of control.

She had to find a way to escape soon.

Embla’s unwelcome attraction to Leros was just as bad. Whenever he flashed that mischievous white grin in her direction, it seemed to ignite a fire in her belly. Maybe it was just the knowledge that his smile meant she was about to receive a snack, but Embla didn’t think so. The hunger that Leros stirred inside her was of a different variety. And whenever he offered her a treat for good behavior, Embla’s eyes tended to look past the meat in his hand toward the much larger meat that she knew lay hidden behind the alpha’s thin loincloth. She couldn’t help wondering if he was pierced too.

But worst of all were the feelings she was developing for Orwen. He was mean and cruel, and he clearly did not like her at all. Yet somehow that only served to excite Embla even more. It made her want to defy him, to test him, to see what he would do if she disobeyed.

No, no, no. She couldn’t do that.

For now, she needed to play the part of a good little omega. It was the only way to get the alphas to drop their guard.