Page 94 of Nothing Above

Wait. How’d she know about the flowers?

“What are you talking about?” I ask way too fucking late.

“Her office smelled exactly like the white Heather you just so happened to ask Mom for yesterday.”

I take my eyes off the road to shoot her a flat look.

All innocence, she says, “She’s nice.”

Now I’m the one scoffing.

“What? She was nice to me.”

“Yeah, well, you’re…not a man.” Lex hates men. Every one of us.


Come to think of it, the only person I’ve seen Lex be nice to, that wasn’t an act, was Cat. They had a genuine friendship, or at least an understanding of one another.

My sister chuckles softly. “She reminds me of you.”


“Have you ever watched a swan swimming?”

“Probably. Why?”

“On the surface, the swan appears calm and confident, but under the surface, it’s a constant struggle to stay afloat. Just like you two. You both keep what you’re really going through out of view from others.”

I tried opening up to Lex and she spit in my fucking face. I knew she wouldn’t in Breck’s though, that’s why I brought my sister in for her shadowing project today.

I don’t respond to Breck and she doesn’t press me for the rest of the ride.

At the apartment, we eat dinner with Mom and Charlie, and not once does she bring up Lex, but then when I’m about to head out, my mom hands me an Orchid. The petals and sepals are white, while the labellum, column, and anther cap are all purple. It’s easy to remember what Orchids symbolize—femininity—because they look like pussies.

“What’s this?” I ask her. I hadn’t thought of another flower to give Lex yet. I was just going to swing by Silvy’s on my way to work tomorrow and snag whichever one caught my eye first.

“For her beauty.”

“Breckyn,” I drawl, making her and her twin laugh. So she told both Charlie and my mom.

Fucking females. They stick together tighter than sardines in a can.

Closing a cupboard, Breckyn tosses me a bag that I manage to catch one-handed. “Give her these, too.”

I eye the assortment of chocolates. “Why?”

“Because the people that get the most looks… What is it again, Charlie?”

Scowl in place, I glance back up at my sisters.

After a yawn, Charlie recites, “The people that get looked at the most are usually the ones that don’t have anyone to look out for them,” most likely from her research for a career in counseling.

I’ve tried to look out for Lex, even without understanding why. She’s been nothing but a raging fucking bitch ever since we met face to face. From hitting and choking me that first night to constantly berating and firing me now, she’s given me every reason to stop looking out for her. Yet, I can’t—absolutely motherfucking cannot—make myself.

“But why the chocolates?”

“Oh. She’s going to start her period soon.”