I hold up a hand to stop him.
The next words out of his mouth will most likely be the reason for why he works for Cyrus, and while I was curious before, I can’t afford to be now. I can’t listen to what he’s about to say. It’d make this already difficult situation impossible.
My throat congested, I make myself say, “This isn’t group therapy. I don’t give a shit about you or your life. Now, you have ten seconds to get the fuck out of my office before I have you physically removed. You’re fired, Mr. Souza. I don’teverwant to see your face again. Not here. Not anywhere.”
He glowers at me, his chest the only part on his body moving as air rushes in and out of his nostrils.
My eyes plead with his.Just leave.
I reach for my phone.
Reece shoves out of the chair and storms from my office without a backward glance.
I did it. I got rid of him. No more seeing his face first thing every morning. No more seeing his face last as I leave the building every evening, pretending not to notice him spying on me. No more straining to hear his voice around the office as different people attempt to engage him in small talk.
No fucking more.
I stare at my laptop, purposely typing a random word every few seconds. It takes me thirty minutes to realize I never even powered it on.
“Lenox Debrosse,” I hear someone say, snapping me out of my…fog. I twist to see Reece Souza back and filling my doorway yet again.
“I told you—”
“I got someone I want you to meet.”
“I don’t want—”
“This is Breckyn Souza.” Reece steps to the side and lets a beautiful young woman in.
Breckyn Souza? So he did get married after all.
A pang of something foreign twists my internal organs until I feel like I’m going to puke.
Beads of sweat gather at my hairline as my heart rate picks up.
Shit.Is it my thyroid?
Or something else? Somethingworse?
Grin in place, the woman strides right over to me and sticks her hand out, saying, “Hi. You can call me Breck. I appreciate this, like, above.”
Like, above?How young is she?
I study both Souzas before me, noting similarities between the two.
Somehow getting to my feet, I shake her hand, my palm clammy and sensitive. “Yes. Reece’s…”