Page 77 of Nothing Above

Looking up between us, he says, “You can go…but he stays.”

“I feel like I’m talking to a child,” she tells him. “Stand up.”

Too low for me to hear, the guard mutters something.

Lex does though because as soon as he’s semi-upright, she hocks right into his face, a spray of pink-tinged spit coating the man’s already strained features. It’s the most fox-like thing I’ve ever seen Lex do and maybe even the sexiest.

The hand with the gun trembles, but Lex doesn’t back down whatsoever.

She meets every man’s gaze as she shifts her weight to her back foot, the blade at her side no longer hidden from view. It’s only an inch and a half long, but the way Lex is wielding it, it might as well be a fucking machete.

“We both leave or none of us do.”

Now that’s sexy. She won’t leave without me, even if it kills her. Goddamn.

If we survive this, I’m wringing her fucking neck, but still, goddamn.

“The cops are already on their way,” the guy by the door says regretfully as a police siren wails from a distance.

His partner nods, adding, “They’re expecting to take somebody in.”

“The two men we left decorating your dance floor…one of them assaulted me. Give him to the cops.”

Mid face-wipe, Lex’s guard says, “That’s not—”

“I wasn’tfuckingasking!” she yells, cutting off all other sound.

I’ve never heard her talk like this to anyone. She’s always confident but in a calculated, sometimes even manufactured way. This is genuine confidence that was built, and tested, over time. Like this, she not only sounds like an apex predator, she could pass as one.

After a few beats of staring at Lex, his face still coated with her spit, he drops his gaze to his feet, defeat wafting off him like a week-old stench.

Lex doesn’t waste another second, immediately leading me over to a part of the fence that’s been snipped and pulled back.

Her hands disappear behind her head, then reappear again, the blade nowhere to be seen.

That’s what she was doing inside—relocating the blade from her bun to her mouth. That explains why she couldn’t talk. Not why she didn’t fight back though.

“So that’s it?”

She shrugs. “Yeah.”

“He was gonna rape you.”

“He was gonna try.”

I catch her elbow. “Lex?”

Her body goes stiff under my touch.

“That’s not good enough for me. I can’t just leave it like that.”

With a hand out to pinch my chin, she says, “You’re gonna have to.” Then, she lets go and ducks through the break in the fence.

Glancing at the three guards still watching us, I commit the one to memory. I know where he works and where he parks. I’ll be back.

Out on the sidewalk, I switch spots with Lex so I’m closest to the street, careful to keep an eye out until we’re clear of the lot and in front of another building.

Lex makes a sound in her throat.