“That makes three positions,” Warden Missy says, finally clueing me in on what’s actually happening here. We’re supposed to act out as many sex positions as possible, but I’ve just been sitting here like a limp dick because I was too wrapped up in…women.
Finally, I do it, I look over again, scanning the crowd, this time finding her thanks to the higher vantage point. She’s sitting on a stool, her elbows behind her on the bar as she faces the stage, eyes glued to mine. Her lips moving have me glancing down to see her mouth the word “Sweet.”
Pushing the redhead’s back until she’s practically bent in half, I leverage a foot on the seat and thrust my hips hard enough for her to lose her footing, stumbling forward a few steps.
I’m quick to grab two handfuls of her shirt though, bringing her right back and lifting her top half so her back’s flat against my front, then I pump into her ass again.
The audience loses their minds, but I don’t break concentration as I move her into several other positions.
“Nine, ten, eleven!” Missy counts, dramatically fanning her face as well as between her thighs.
“Geez, let someone else get a chance,” I hear one of the other women complain, the blonde I think.
Bending the redhead over the chair again, I rasp, “Don’t move,” then lift my arms, removing them from around her to sit down on the floor with my back to her, my knees bent and spread wide open. “Straddle me,” I tell the brunette, and she does all too eagerly, helping guide my arms over her head and down around her waist. One hand held in the other, I crook two fingers and say, “Sit on ’em,” to the blonde standing nearby, taking in our every move with unconcealed jealousy. I knew it was her whining about being left out. That’s why her greedy ass is only getting my fingers.
Her knees inside of mine, she lowers herself until her pussy hovers just above my fingertips, the heat incredibly fucking evident even without actual contact. I lean back, ducking my head between the redhead’s legs to knock both her thighs with my jaw so it’s clear for everyone watching—I could finger one, fuck one, and eat out the other right fucking now if I wanted to.
Missy Warden doesn’t even bother with a number, just screams into the mic, spurring on the entire club.
The blonde widens her knees, pushing against mine, and lowers her pussy on to my fingers, but I yank my hands out from under her, not giving her the satisfaction. Bitch thought I forgot she just tried jacking me.
I didn’t fucking forget.
A few more creative positioning ideas later, the song comes to a close, ending the challenge, and the four of us disentangle ourselves. I don’t know what the final tally is and I doubt anyone else does either. Lines got blurred as soon as I brought the other two women into the mix.
After uncuffing me, the redhead leans forward, her lips tickling the shell of my ear as she says, “If you and your fiancée ever want a unicorn, you know where to find me.”
With a noncommittal eyebrow raise, I descend the stage’s stairs directly into the pit of my colleagues already asking every question filling their drunken heads.
“What’d her pussy feel like?”
“How’d she smell?”
“Think she’d go out with me?”
Laughing them off instead of answering the way I want to—Like a pussy. Gamey. And, no.—I give an excuse about needing a drink and push through, heading straight for the bar.
Several people tap my back when I pass, mostly congratulating me, some praising me, and a couple bitter fucks cursing me, but I block it all out, my attention solely on Lex’s exposed shoulder blades as she sits with her back to me now. Her white hair’s in a complicated-looking bun at her neck, a couple loose curls by her ears.
Posted beside her is Kaisin, leaning over to talk to her.
Since they don’t know I’m here yet, I hang back and listen.
“You’re gonna get me in trouble.”
The only part I make out of Lex’s response is “So?”
Draping an arm around her back, Kaisin practically gnaws on one of her ears as he tells her, “It is.”
Busy drilling a hole into the side of Kaisin’s face, I miss what Lex says, but I decide I’ve heard enough. Heard enough. Seen enough. Tolerated enough.
“Hey.” I clap Kaisin’s back harder than he’s ever clapped mine, then pull him off Lex one-handed. “I owe you a thank-you.”
Baby Debrosse stands on his own, no longer putting his weight on Lex, and accepts the thank-you he definitely doesn’t deserve. “You’re welcome.” Using his beer bottle, he points behind me. “How was it up there? It looked like a lot of fun.”
“It was. Greatest night of my life,” I lie before making a show of checking over my shoulders.
Now that the show is over, the group is being herded out of the main area and back down the hall we came from.