Page 62 of Nothing Above

“Too bad,” I echo because I don’t know what else to say. As little thought as I’ve put into an actual wedding, I’ve put even less into a bachelor party. I’ve seen enough take place at The Playground to know what happens at them, and if I’m getting married, the last thing I’d want to see is another woman naked.

“Kaisin?” Not breaking stride as she floats down the hall, Lex just tilts her head slightly over her shoulder to address her husband’s brother.


“Can I speak to you in my office?”

“Um, yeah. Sure.” Kaisin all but sprints after Lex, his excitement of being alone with her fucking palpable.

Long after he disappears, I force myself to turn away and inspect the Chaste Tree instead. I don’t even want to touch it in case its namesake is true.

“How are you going to get that thing home?” some guy asks, but I just shake my head because I’m wondering the same goddamn thing.

She’s funny all right. Real fucking funny.


It’s finally Friday, and I’m sitting in the parking lot, waiting until Lex leaves to peel out, too. I was working out of the office all day today but I left early to make it back here in time to watch her walk out to her Range Rover. Kaisin’s been up her ass the last couple days. After calling him into her office on Wednesday, they’ve been spending a lot of time together. Yesterday morning, I barely handed Lex another flower and book before that motherfucker popped up, asking if he could “steal Lex to go over some things.” I almost told him to try it, but didn’t. Couldn’t.

I could’ve. I chose not to. Because I’m fucking subtle.

Also, Lex isn’t mine to keep. She’s…

Anyway, I don’t know what those two are up to. I do know I don’t like that they’re doing it together. I told Lex I’d handle Kaisin.

I also told her yesterday’s book had consensual sex in it, but that didn’t stop her from throwing it away. I understand what it’s like not to trust people but she’s not even giving me a chance.

She’s the biggest bitch I’ve ever met. I want to fuck that attitude right out of her.

Or let her use it to fuck me.

What a fucking disaster that’d be. A fun, sexy, sweaty, and probably even bloody disaster.

My cock swells in my pants at the thought.

Lex’s Range Rover rounds a different corner than she usually takes.

I consider following her just to see where she’s going. Is it to someone else’s house? Kaisin’s? Every other night I’ve done this, I’ve gone straight home after watching her head for hers, but not talking to her all day, or even seeing her, I’m…curious.

Before I can stop myself, I take the same turn and follow her all the way to a grocery store, parking near the back when she pulls in. She’s only inside for twenty minutes before reappearing, carrying two brown paper bags. We’re back out on the road in no time, heading in the opposite direction of her house and through neighborhoods I’ve never been in before. They’re full of smaller houses packed in tightly, with almost no yards or even driveways, only enough parking on the street for one car per house.

Lex goes through a roundabout, taking the exit on the left, which forces me to slow my own approach. The delay causes me to lose her, those bright-red taillights nowhere in sight as I come out of the roundabout.

Not ready to give up yet, I drive around, checking side streets for her black SUV.

I spend more time than I should doing that until a text comes through simultaneously on my phone and car’s stereo, interrupting the music pumping out of my speakers.

Cyrus. I’m being beckoned.

He’s gonna want an update. An update I wouldn’t give him even if I had one to give. Lex didn’t approve of me working undercover at her husband’s firm. That was all Cyrus, and knowing him, it’s allforCyrus. Why would he want information on Kordin Debrosse now? Lex left the fox life behind years ago.

Unless Cyrus knows something I don’t, like Kordin abusing Lex. I can’t even picture it, but she did make it seem like she was trying to wrap shit up before Kordin was released from the hospital. She also said she fucked him there. Or let him fuck her, she didn’t specify. Did she let him? Or did he force her?

I tighten my hold on the steering wheel, my knuckles threatening to burst through the skin.

Lex isn’t mine to keep and she’s not mine to save; my sisters are. And if I want to keep Cyrus away from them, I’m gonna have to give him something.

Abandoning my search, I head for The Playground, flying past less and less glass on buildings until there’s none to be found, everything shuttered up tight to prevent theft. Where there’s glass, there’s a way inside. I don’t rely on glass to get into places I’m not supposed to be in, but I’m not a junkie looking for something to sell for a quick fix either.