Page 215 of Nothing Above

“No you weren’t.”


“No…you weren’t.”

“You needed a firsthand witness.”

He’s taking the fall for a crime he didn’t commit. For me.

The earth tilts so suddenly I almost tip sideways. Pressing my thighs against the edge of my desk, I fight to remain upright.

“Everything we talked about getting, I already got. The IDs, the cash, the—”

“The cash? From Cyrus?” He robbed Cyrus before I did?

“Yeah.” He gestures to the papers. “I went last night after I found those.”

The flash drive. That’s why it was a different color. He switched it while he was there.

“It’s all in your mom’s window boxes.”

“My mom’s what? You went to her house?” I can hear my voice growing more and more frenetic. “How?”

“Her address was on the tracking device… Look, that’s not important right now. We’re running out of time. The police will be here any minute.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I called them and confessed before coming here. They know about Kordin’s embezzlement. They know he’s framing you. They know about my involvement. They’re coming to arrest us both.”

“Why would you do that?”

“So Cyrus wouldn’t have anything over you anymore and so Kordin wouldn’t either. But my mom and sisters…”

He doesn’t know Cyrus is dead. Nobody told him yet.

“Just get to the boxes and get them out of town. For me. Please.”

Behind Reece, I see someone pass by, their curiosity watching us palpable.

“When I get out—”

“Mr. Souza.” I paste on a concerned expression as I wave at the chair he usually sits in. “Mr. Souza, please have a seat. If you’d calm down, I’m sure we can figure all this out.”

Reece rears back. “Figure what out? It’s already done. I’m—”

“You’re an idiot!” I whisper-shout while thrusting my other hand out at him…the hand also concealing the pregnancy test.

The stick flies from my hold and goes spinning across my desk, stopping closest to Reece, the two pink lines facing up.

The world oscillates the other way, and this time instead of fighting it, I close my eyes, hoping it takes me with.

“Is that…”

I force my eyes open only to find Kordin wheeling himself toward my door with purpose.

Reece’s body is blocking the contents of my desk from Kordin’s view, but if he comes in here… And sees… Or hears…

Fuck, fuck, fuck.