Page 206 of Nothing Above

“Your birthdate.”

“What about it?”

“The combination to Cyrus’s safe. It’s your birthdate.” I didn’t realize it until just now.

Her eyes narrow. “Did you have your phone on you in the warehouse?”

“No, I left it in the Mustang.”

“So did I.”

“You think that’s why he came home? Because he knew we were in there?”

“He doesn’t know we were inside.”

“How can you be sure?”

“I used to sneak out all the time through that air duct and he never caught me. Also…you’re still alive.”

Cyrus has my address, my real address. He has my mom’s. He could’ve—

“But he knows we were there somewhere.” Lex’s voice pulls me from the bleakest of oblivions imagining all the things Cyrus could’ve done with those addresses.

There’s another long silence where Lex stares at the floor and I stare at her.

I have to sell her on this. I have to.

“Our futures can be ours, Snow. Finally.”

“Okay,” she whispers, lifting her gaze to mine, her eyes green like the underside of Eucalyptus leaves.

I pull her to me, my arms tightening around her back as I breathe in her wintry-mix scent.


“Yeah. Let’s write our own happily ever after.”

It doesn’t fucking matter what happens next, as long as we’re together at the end and our families are safe leading up to it, then it’ll be worth it.

It’llallbe worth it.


“Remember, don’t do anything out of the ordinary.” Reece tears his eyes off the road to glance at me. “We don’t want to tip Cyrus off that we found how he’s tracking us. Tomorrow—”

“I’ll arrive at work at normal time, then at noon, I’ll tell Kordin I’m taking a long lunch to run errands. I’ll stop at multiple banks, staying at each one for at least twenty minutes before returning to work,” I finish for him, reciting the plan we spent all morning coming up with.

In order to prevent Cyrus from growing suspicious, I’m supposed to carry on with my regular life today, doing everything I would’ve anyway. Then tomorrow I’m going on a midday bank crawl, so it seems like I’m attempting to assemble some sort of payoff for him.

“I know, rook. I’ve got my part down.”

Reece has his own itinerary. Tonight he’ll go on the hunt for the forged work orders at Kaisin’s house and office, then get new identifications for all of us, both his family and mine.

“I was gonna say I’ll meet you fifteen minutes ’til midnight.”

“Outside his warehouse?”

He nods. “Same place we parked when you took me there.”