Page 202 of Nothing Above

Freezing, she pins me with a confused look.

“He emailed them to himself.”

“Kaisin did this?”

“I don’t think so.”

Her expression remains skeptical.

“Look for yourself.”

I hear a couple clicks as Lex dives into her own investigation.

“I didn’t…”

Her eyes ping-pong around the screen, her eyebrows getting closer and closer.

“These aren’t even…”

Fully engrossed, she lowers her knees to the floor.

“But where are the…”

After several more minutes and at least a hundred more clicks, she says, “According to these, I’m the one committing fraud.”

I assume she’s still talking to herself until she looks over the screen at me.

I nod once. “According to them, you are.”

“You don’t believe I am?”


“The evidence showing I am is very compelling.”

“Very. Enough to fool me for a minute.”

“What convinced you otherwise?”

“Not what. Who.”


“The person whose hard drive you were after. The person who heard his brother going on and on about the stripper he thought he might be in love with; the person who got to that stripper first, married her, gave her a new identity and new job working under that same brother so he would approve anything that had her name on it; the person who brags about his wife to anyone that’ll listen, making her seem like a money-hungry saint, but treats her like shit, fucks her even worse, and offers her pussy up to a cat burglar.”

“Shit.Shit. Kordin’s been playing the long game our entire marriage.” She checks the laptop again and nods. “These work orders go back to the first month I was working there.”

“It makes sense why he didn’t want you at the office while he wasn’t around.”

“What are you talking about? It was Kaisin that didn’t want me there.”

“It was Kordin. Kaisin was just following his brother’s orders. They talked about it right in front of me.” Because people like them don’t view people like me as equals.

“Kaisin kept saying something about my numbers fluctuating and seeming more like myself after Kordin’s return.”

She ducks her head, clicking through the invoices, probably to the more recent ones.

“That’s why. Kordin couldn’t submit anything while he was in the hospital, but he started right back up as soon as he was released.”