Page 122 of Nothing Above

“It’s my brother.”

“Did he die?”

The warmest feeling fills my chest until it’s swollen with hot air, practically lifting me off the floor. On God, I will break into laughter if Kordin’s dead.

Kaisin pauses to frown at me. “Die? No. He’s back. He’s on his way up right now.” He’s on the move again, tidying random things in his path like a fucking fake potted plant in the corner.

Another feeling kicks all the happiness out of my body, turning my insides to cold hard cement, bonding my feet in place. That’s where Lex has been…with him. And now I have to face him. And her. Himwithher.

What if he touches her?

I won’t be able to stop myself from removing Kordin’s throat from the rest of his body if he does.

But what if she touches him?

I know where I stand. I felt it when we first fucked, maybe even before, but last night and this morning confirmed it. Lex is mine. I accept all of her—every dark, twisted part, along with every light, honest part—but does she feel the same? Am I hers? She’s made no claim either way.

“I deprive myself of anything that makes me happy.”

That’s why she hasn’t made a claim, because I do make her happy. And she won’t until I convince her she deserves it, that she deserves me. I can’t do that if I’m in prison for Kordin Debrosse’s murder.

This is a waiting game, and for someone as impatient as Lex alleges I am, the ultimate test of determination.

The elevator’s ding rings in my ears, making my head pound and my blood boil, then the doors slide open and it all comes to a halt as Kordin, in a wheelchair, rolls out followed by Lex pushing him.

The entire office converges for the reunion with the boss.

While Lex’s gaze never reaches me, Kordin’s does a couple times.

Once the crowd thins and people return to their work, Kordin beckons me forward.

Prying one lead foot off the floor, then the other, I approach with a tight expression.

Kaisin clears his throat. “Kordin, this is Reece Souza, our new regional marketing and research coordinator.”

Kordin cocks his head to the side as he regards me, but luckily, no recognition registers. His right arm’s in a cast as well as his right leg. I force myself to remain stoic while fondly remembering how they got that way. What I wouldn’t give to beat his ass all over again.

“Souza, where have I heard that name?”

“From me, when I told you about him,” Lex says, still avoiding my vicinity. A half-inch layer of my cum is coating her pussy walls right now, millions of my sperm fucking fighting for their lives in there, and she’s talking to her husband about me like I’m not even here.

“The one that couldn’t get the stain out for you?” he asks her, also ignoring my presence.

She told him that?


“Souza.” Kordin sticks his left hand out, and I shake it awkwardly with mine, squeezing harder than necessary even though it’s my left, too. He still doesn’t meet my eyes. “Welcome to the team.”

“Thank you, sir. Happy to be here.”

I hate myself right now, so much I want to sock my own jaw to prevent me from having to say another word.

“I hope you’ll forgive my wife’s first-day hazing. It was her first, and last, attempt at it.”

“Already forgiven.” That and everything else she’s done to rile me up.

“Is he the one that just got married?” Kordin directs the question over his shoulder to Lex.