Page 116 of Nothing Above

With her bottom half propped up, I drag my tongue over the same path I just kissed, soothing the skin I bruised before dipping down into Lex’s crack and licking up that, too. When my tongue passes over her tight asshole, Lex moans out a curse and arches her back to give me better access. The move makes her clit rub against my wrist, so I retract my arm until I’m palming her pussy.

Something’s not right though. I’ve only had a small taste of Lex and this wasn’t it.

I stop all movement and pull back, causing Lex to groan like she’s in pain.

“Why the hell are you stopping?”

“You taste too clean, like soap.”

Pushing up to her hands, Lex looks at me over her shoulder and says, “I should. I just got out of the shower.”

I shake my head as I step up behind her, gripping one of her shoulders with my free hand, my thumb at the base of her neck. “Fuck the pillow.”


“The first time I eat you out, I want to know I’m tasting you. Fuck the pillow until you’re dripping sweat.”

With a little guidance, I get her to start moving her hips, front to back, riding both my palm and the pillow.

“You broke into my house just to watch me fuck a pillow?”

My lips at her ear, I rasp, “Not just any pillow. Kordin’s pillow.”

Her speed increases.

“That’s right. Fuck your husband’s pillow so the next time he lays his head on it, he’ll smell what I stole from him.”

Drawing my hand back a couple inches, I line two fingers up with her pussy, then push right in, making us both curse. My palm mashing her split ass crack, I keep pace with Lex, thrusting in and out of her warm, slick pussy as she fucks Kordin’s pillow.

I fit my other hand to the front of her throat and squeeze, turning her head over her shoulder.

Automatically, her hands come up to the back of my neck.

“Right out from under his fucking nose,” I tell her before sealing my lips to hers.

I kiss and finger-fuck her until she comes, her walls pulsing around my fingers as her movements grow chaotic and her body becomes dotted with sweat.

Breaking my mouth from hers, I let Lex slump forward, sending her ass into the air, then I bend down and eat. Still slowly pumping inside her, I explore every inch of her ass, licking and sucking until she’s shaking and screaming, her pussy walls choking my fingers again as they throb furiously.

I ease out of her despite her protests and wipe her cum off my fingers on Kordin’s pillow, telling her, “Sit up.”

Lex obeys without argument. If this is how she always behaves after multiple orgasms, I might have to make this my new daily habit. Jesus, this woman.

“Don’t think you’re done, Snow,” I say, using her own words.

She gives another one of her chuckles, this one actually strong enough to pass through her lips. That or she’s too tired to hold it in.

I press my lips to the back of her head, briefly closing my eyes to savor the moment.

“There’s my sweet boy.”

She can insult me any way she fucking pleases as long as she puts “my” in front of it, because goddamn, does it sound better than any compliment I’ve ever received.

A few of her white strands stick to my face as I pull away, then I rip the pillow out from under her and drop to my back, fitting my head between her knees.

My rigid cock leaks in my pants, needing a taste of Lex as much as, maybe even more than, my mouth, but he’s gonna have to wait. I’m getting my fill first.

Hands full of ass and my gaze on hers just above her glistening pussy, I say, “Fuck my face.”