Page 107 of Nothing Above

“Yes, I am. My mom’s here becausehe’shere.” Pushing off the headstone, I jab a hand toward the ground. “Which means I’m here, too.”

“Then understand that I am, too. Because my mom is.”


“Same as yours, loyalty.”

“To who? Your dad?” I hold back a laugh, a real fucking laugh because neither of our dads deserve an ounce of loyalty, not from us and certainly not from our mothers.

He gestures around us. “This place. Fox Hollow. The customers that’ve been going to her for years.”

My momentary humor evaporates.

“It’s misplaced loyalty.”

“To me and you, yeah, but it’s what keeps them going.”

“Everybody needs a purpose,” I sigh.

“We’re more alike than you think. We both sacrifice our own lives for those we love most.”

“Love is a parasite. All it does is take while giving nothing in return.”

“You really believe that?”

“With every cell in my body.”

“Did you ever love Kordin?”

I just stare at Reece, losing myself in his intense black pools focused solely on me. I like his full attention on me. I shouldn’t but I do.

“Lex?” he finally prompts.

“No. Never.”

“Are you going after his company?”

I shrug, my shoulders hidden deep within Reece’s large coat. “I helped him grow it into the success it is today. I deserve at least half.”

I don’t want Kordin’s company. I want the Senior Leadership Team on my side. If Kordin has another income he’s hiding, it’s because he’s obtaining it illegally and can’t report it. Until I have proof saying otherwise, I have no choice but to assume it’s coming from Debrosse Investment Properties Group. And by using my name to spend that money, he’s made me an accomplice, if not a conspirator. Whenever Kordin’s transgressions come to light, I need the SLT to dismiss the notion that I could’ve been involved.

“How much time do you spend at the office?” Reece asks out of nowhere.

“You seem to know my schedule inside and out, why don’t you tell me?”

“I meant during your workday. Do you ever get out? To check up on properties?”

“Hardly ever.”

Reece’s gaze plummets to my feet.


“You acted like it was a surprise Cyrus owns half of Fox Hollow. I thought you would’ve already known that.”

I’ll admit I was a bit taken aback to find that folder and see just how much real estate Cyrus has usurped. He’s been very busy these past eight years.

“It’s not like you can tell who owns a building by looking at it.”