“We can keep at each other’s throats out here and risk catching some unwanted attention, or we can settle this shit right now.”
“What exactly are we settling?” I ask more out of curiosity than anything.
“You fuck with me, you fuckonlywith me.” Eyes darker than the night sky overhead drill into mine.
Exhausting,I remind myself.Absolutely exhausting.
“Anything else?” I ask.
He kisses me again, deep and rough, leaving me breathless before he steps back suddenly, taking his warmth with him.
I almost ask for clarification on that last point, just to feel his lips again, but force myself to turn away instead. “Act like a newly married man Monday morning or don’t bother showing up,” I tell him, then step off the curb to cross the road. I need distance from him.
Predictably—annoyingly—he doesn’t give it to me. Reece follows immediately after, his footsteps so heavy it sounds like I’m being stalked by a pissed-off bull.
“You heard what I said. The engagement is fake.”
“Kordin doesn’t know that. The rest of the firm doesn’t know that. And if you insist on doing Cyrus’s bidding under the guise of working there, then I’d prefer to keep it that way.”
I stop to look back at him. This approach is soundless and he doesn’t stop until we’re face to face again, his hands fidgety at his sides like he doesn’t know what to do with them.
Before he can say something sweet, I ask the question I can’t get out of my head. “What does Cyrus have on you?”
He lied the first time I asked him. And judging by the way the muscle in his jaw pulses, he’s about to again.
“Nothing. It’s you I owe.”
“I know you’re lying.”
He throws my own words back in my face, telling me, “You don’t know anything about me.”
A hand on his waistband, I walk him backward until his back hits a boarded-up door.
I stretch up so our lips can touch one final time, whispering against them, “I know your heart was broken by a cheater. I know your last job was blindsided by your sudden departure. I know they’d take you back in a heartbeat, so you ignoring my repeated firings is not because you need the money. I know your reason for working at the firm is Cyrus, not me, because I know Cyrus best of all, which is how I know he would’ve warned you away from me by now. I know you dislike authority, specifically his because you stay late every night to watch me walk to my car, you constantly buy me gifts, you risked your life to save mine, and…” I step back. “You just fucked me.”
His voice low and gravelly, he says, “I didn’t do any of that out of rebellion. I did it because I wanted to. And you’re the one that fucked me.”
My nod is sad because this next truth is the worst kind of tragedy—an avoidable one.
“I also know that when the time comes for Cyrus to get what he wants, you’re going to struggle to give it to him. When you do, he will follow through on his threat. I may not know what that threat is, but I can guarantee you I’m not worth it.”
Someone shouts, “Lenox!”
My hand still between us, I push Reece further into the shadows before turning to see Phil headed this way. He’s still on the other side of the road, so I quickly take stock of my appearance, straightening my neckline and tucking a stray hair behind my ear. Noticing the blood both on my fingers and caked under my nails, I try wiping it all off on the back of my dress. The taste of copper gone from my mouth, I lick over both lips, making sure there aren’t any stray drops.
“My cum’s running down your leg and you’re about to entertain this fucking guy?”
With one hard swipe, I fling most of the thick rivulet off my thigh and onto the cement.
“So much for licking every drop.”
Reece scoffs, rumbling, “Not my own spunk.”
“Ourspunk,” I whisper through unmoving lips before walking away from him.