Page 74 of Nothing Above

My free hand collides with his mouth, silencing the rest of that sentence.

His friend rushes me, knocking me sideways, and since I’m still clutching Lex, she comes with.

The people around us scatter out of the way, making me fly further than anticipated. I manage to catch myself just before I lose my footing, never once releasing my grip.

“Asshole,” I hear, then another crunch, this one not quite as satisfying as the one I just produced.

When I look back, Lex is shaking her fist out and the friend has blood dripping from his nose.She hit him?

She hit him.

With a menacing step in her direction, he says, “Fucking whore.”

Tugging Lex toward me, I spin her so her back’s against my front and my arm’s half-wrapped around her as I hold her dress together, then I punch him myself, right between the eyes, making his nose fuckinggush.

The bartender yells at us, but without any weapons in his hands, I’m not too worried.

Watching the first guy get up, I pivot us to put my free arm forward.

“Zip it up,” I growl close to Lex’s ear.

“Let go first.”

I tighten my hold on both the dress and her. “No.”

She groans, and I can tell without even seeing her face, her eyes are rolling.

Back on his feet, Lex’s old customer charges us, and I swing out my hand, palm open, and box his ear so fucking hard he stops to cradle his head. Since he’s still within reach, I do it again, but much, much harder. Motherfucker.

“Shit!” he shouts over another bartender’s shrieks for security.

“You can’t fight one-handed.”

I ignore Lex because not only can I, I fucking will.

Making a fist, I clip the same spot on his jaw I hit the first time, his head thrashing to the side before his body goes lax and drops to the floor.

Bent over, his friend takes in the pathetic heap next to him and snarls, blood spewing everywhere.

I start forward, ready to finish him, too, but Lex saying, “Reece, letgo,” has me freezing. Not because I forgot where I go right now, she goes, but because she said my name. My fucking name. Not rookie, not rook, not Mr. Souza. Reece. She called me Reece.

I glance down at her, our noses almost touching. “Say it again.”


“My name. Say it again.”


“No. My real name.”

Unblinking, she says, “Reece,” making my cock harden against her hip.

Lex wets her bottom lip with her tongue before saying, “On your right.”

Without looking away from her mouth, I blindly jab my fist out to my right, hitting the friend’s…something. Point is, he drops and Lex said my name.

This isn’t the greatest night of my life, but it’s up there. Now.