“Enough to go an entire night, through total darkness, waiting for something that might not be there anymore?”
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “They trust, and they wait, and eventually, they find it again.”
So why did he choose that particular flower for this weekend?
No notice whatsoever, Reece scoops me up, sheet and all, and carries me back inside.
“Careful,” I say, trying my hardest to keep all the coffee in the mug. “This is scalding.”
“If you can take it, so can I.”
“Not likely,” I mumble. “I have a much longer history of enduring pain.”
“What do you want for breakfast?” he asks once he sets me down on the counter, next to the vase of loyal Sunflowers. I wait until Reece goes to the fridge to spin them to face the other way.
I’m nobody’s sun.
“I don’t eat breakfast,” I say when Reece holds up a cartoon of eggs and a package of bacon. “I drink it.”
He frowns. “Coffee?”
“No.”Well…“Notjustcoffee. I drink fruit and vegetable juice. It’s part of my treatment plan.”
“Didn’t that stop a year ago? When you went into remission?”
I study the mug in my hands and shrug a shoulder. “I didn’t feel like stopping.”
The sound of Reece dropping his arms by his sides echoes in the toasty kitchen.
“You’ve been scared to.”
My head shakes all on its own. “I’m not scared. It’s not a fear thing. It’s a…”
I clung to every component of the treatment plan like it was my life raft, because at the time each one felt like it was, and since remission, it’s been hard to even relax my grip, let alone give it up completely. My body was failing me foryears. That’s difficult to forget. It’s even more difficult to forgive.
Not just difficult, I’ve found, but impossible.
“I’m not a Sunflower, Reece. I don’t trust anything blindly, especially something that’s already failed me once.” And may possibly be failing me again.
“Did Kordin always fuck you from behind?” he asks randomly.
“No, that’s something he picked up recently.”
“Two-years-ago recently?”
Oh. He’s connecting the dots.
“It’s hard to say exactly. In a long string of bad sex, it all kind of blends together.”
“Right,” Reece says before putting the eggs and bacon back in the fridge. “We’re going out for breakfast.”
“You can have your fruit, even your vegetables, but not in juice form. This area has more crystal shops, spiritual centers, health-food stores, and specialty restaurants than any other part of the state. We’ll find you something to eat. Then I’m going to bring you back here and fuck you while staring at the face I go to sleep every night picturing.”
He presses a quick kiss to my lips.
“I don’t need you to pity me.”