Page 166 of Nothing Above

As the couple continue to reminisce, my mind screams we’re not newlyweds, but both me and Reece wearing wedding rings suggests we just might be.

What a rookie move. After, and while, committing a crime, you never want to be remembered. Thanks to Reece’s syrupy behavior, these women will never forget us.

He just can’t help himself. He really is that sweet.

Behind my hand, I mimic a yawn that turns into a real one.

“Oh, here, we won’t keep you two any longer. All that driving around probably wore you out.”

Diane gives us a quick rundown of the rules and a map of the grounds with directions where to find our cabin.

“If you two need anything at all, give us a holler. Otherwise feel free to leave the key under the mat when you leave.”

“Thank you,” I tell her, surprising myself when I mean it.


Lex is on me the second we’re alone in the Explorer, saying, “You killed that guard.” She also hands me the cookie she grabbed inside. No explanation, just passes it over to me. There’s only one small bite missing, so I shove the rest of it in my mouth and start up the stolen SUV.

They thought we were newlyweds. They thought we were married. To each other. And it felt like we were. Or at least we could be.


Ignoring Lex, I focus on backing out and taking the road that leads up the mountain, passing all the turnoffs to the other cabins in search of the post with the number eight on it.


“You heard Diane, there was an explosion,” I say when my mouth is empty.

“An explosion you caused.”

I did cause the explosion, but that motherfucker’s actions are what really killed him.

Once I spot the eight, I swing in and pull up in front of the cabin.

“He touched mebefore—”

“I don’t care. I don’t fucking care when he touched you. Before or after we fucked, it doesn’t matter. It wasn’t just you he tried to rape, you know that as well as I do, Lex. What we don’t know is how many women he already succeeded with or how many he would’ve. He was a fucking parasite on this planet and now he’s ashes. I don’t feel guilty about it and you’re wasting your time trying to make me.”

“I’m not trying to guilt you. But… You said you’d sell your soul trying to afford me.”

“I’d do more than that,” I admit.

Her focus shifts to her hands as she pulls the sleeves over her wrists.

“Have you ever heard po trupach do celu? It’s Polish.”


“It means to achieve something no matter what it takes, even climb over dead bodies. It’s what I tell myself as a way to justify the unforgivable things I’ve done. The unforgivable things Ido. What are you trying to achieve?”

“Achieve? Like a goal? It wasn’t… I didn’t…”

“Was this your first time taking a life?”

I jerk out a nod before realizing she can’t see me. “Yeah.” I’ve roughed up plenty of guys but never enough to end any of their lives.

Head bowed, she says quietly, “Leave the killing to me, rook. Only one of us still has a soul, and in order to keep being you, you need to keep it.”