Page 135 of Nothing Above

He rolls right by us, and from this higher vantage point, I can see his pants’ zipper is only half-zipped. That, plus Lex’s hair when she opened the door…

Mother. Fucker.

He wanted Lex to either ask for permission or beg for forgiveness to wear black, knowing damn well she’d be wearing it regardless.

Did she though? Did Lex do what he wanted?

I ask Kaisin where the bathroom is, pushing away from the bar before he’s even done explaining. Every face I pass, every corner I scour, all I see is red, until I spot the blue glow in the hall and remember Lex went to fix her makeup.

She’s just coming out of her closet when she looks up, locking eyes with me standing next to the fish tank. The bedroom door on my other side is already closed and locked, keeping me out of view from anyone who might walk past, so it’s just us. Finally.

Head to toe and back, I check out Lex, finding nothing different from when she first greeted me. Both hands are empty, her makeup’s still flawless, the dress is in place, and not a single strand of that sexy-as-fuck bedhead has been touched. But…

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Lex, it’s that looks can be deceiving. Especially hers.

“Need something?”

“Yeah, you,” I answer automatically.

Her brow arches. “I’ve found men often confuse their wants and needs.”

“Not me.”


“No, see, I want to kiss your pussy, but Ineedto kiss your lips. No confusion whatsoever.”

“Mm, well, I’m wearing lipstick.”

“Then I’ll take what I want instead.”

“I’m wearing pantyhose.”

This fucking woman always trying me. I swear I had patience…until I met Lex.

“Lipstick or tights, pick which one you don’t mind replacing because I’m kissing one pair of lips before I leave this room and I don’t give a fuck what I have to ruin to do it.”

She rolls her eyes, saying, “I don’t have time for this,” then moves for the door.

With a hand on each bare shoulder, I intercept her and spin us so her back’s against the wall now.

“Did you fuck him?”


Who?Who the fuck does she think?

“Kordin. Did you fuck him before I got here?”

Shaking her head, her white locks dance over her exposed collarbone. Unable to control myself, I dip down and press a kiss to each side, making her shiver under my lips.

“Did he try?” I ask against her skin. I lied. I don’t just want to kiss her pussy. I want to kiss every inch of her.

“No, just a blow job.”

I rear back to look between her eyes.

She plays coy, asking, “What?”