“She’s not feeling well. Some kind of stomach bug.”
“Any chance she could be pregnant?”
I look right at Lex when I say, “Several actually.”
Lex clears her throat, then points me in the direction of the garage with a suggestion to help myself to a drink.
Inside the decked-out garage, I find Kaisin double-fisting a couple of beers at the bar. Neither are open; he’s just staring at them.
“Thirsty?” I ask to announce my presence.
He raises his eyebrows at me in greeting. “Uh, no. Just debating.”
After putting in my order with the bartender, I ask him, “What are you debating?”
“If two beers is enough.”
Kordin must’ve put a limit on how much his CFO can consume tonight. Unfortunately, two beers won’t work for what I have planned. I’m not sure what Kaisin’s got in mind but I’m guessing stopping at two beers wasn’t it.
“Enough for what?”
When he doesn’t answer right away, I glance over to see his attention glued to the doorway I just came through. Lex is there, a gift-wrapped bottle of wine in one hand and a new candle in the other as she ushers in more guests.
“Who answered the door for you?” Kaisin questions instead.
“What was she like?”
Frowning, I cock my head at him. “What do you mean?”
He drags his gaze down his sister-in-law’s body like he’s the one with the fucking right to. These goddamn Debrosse brothers…
“Earlier, Kordin told her not to wear black. When we got here, he went off to find her, then they were in their bathroom for a while…”
Intheirbathroom? That means their attached bath which can be seen from the hallway through the fish tank. What the fuck was he doing snooping on Lex and Kordin? And what all did he see?
“…now, she’s wearing black.”
Lex scans the decorated space, lingering on me for a split second longer than everyone else before she gives some kind of excuse for needing to disappear briefly. Her mascara or something.
“You think there’s trouble in paradise? Maybe they were arguing?”
Kaisin shakes his head. “Kordinalwaysgets what he wants.”
“Apparently not.”
“Have you ever seen Lenox wear anything other than black?”
Making it look like I have to think about it first, I take my time to shake my head.
He unscrews the cap to one of the beers and tips its neck at me, saying, “That’s not what big bro wanted,” before taking a long drink.
He wanted…
What’d he want?
In his wife’s absence, Kordin singlehandedly wheels himself into the garage ahead of another group of Debrosse Group associates, bragging about the custom epoxy-coated flooring he had put in. “So clean you could eat off it,” he tells them, earning a round of impressed laughs.