“I was sitting there listening to Baron and Locks drone on about something that didn’t need my time. I started thinking about your tattoos which led to thinking about my hands on your body and here we are.” War’s knee hit the bed as he reached up, unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans. “Raise up,” he directed. She raised her hips, letting him tug her jeans down and off.
“What are your plans, Mr. President?”
“Hmm, my plans include touching and tasting every spot on your body and making sure we’re both satisfied multiple times. Hopefully a couple orgasms will have us both in better moods after dealing with whiny people and the lockdown.”
He slipped a finger inside her panties, sliding them down her legs.
“I’d love to forget about whiny people. Do you think they’ll miss us if we hide for around forty-eight hours?” She giggled at the look on his face.
“Umm, as long as we rest, I’m sure I could keep you satisfied but I’m not fucking eighteen anymore.” He had her top unbuttoned and slid off, with his lips kissing each spot unveiled. “Now, how about less talking and more fucking?”
She could get behind that. Now if everyone could just leave them alone for a minute.
“I think I want to start with this tattoo,” War whispered against her skin as he rolled her over and kissed the top of her shoulder blade where her heart and guns tattoo started. “Close your eyes, Remi, and just feel.” His tongue started tracing the tattoo. Close her eyes and just feel. She could do that. Her man knew exactly what she needed today.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Remington was itchingto ride her bike, but they hadn’t lifted security, so she’d be confined to one of the SUVs. Not knowing who was out to get them was frustrating. There was something right at the edge that if she could grab ahold of it, she’d be able to piece everything together.
She grabbed her gun, keys to the SUV and her sunglasses. Tagging herself out and with her location at the tattoo shop increased her bad mood. It annoyed her to have to let someone know where she was every minute of every day.
She’d had her tattoo done earlier this week of Kathryn’s Wings, but she’d forgotten she was low on lotion. Getting out and picking up some lotion would give her a break from everyone. Roam had some she particularly liked, and she wanted to talk with him about her next one. She was considering something special regarding War. She’d planned on talking to him about it while she was there before, but his receptionist had left for an emergency right before her appointment. He’d had to answer the phone multiple times because he’d been the only one there.
The drive to the shop didn’t relax her but chatting with Roam and just getting out would help. She pushed open the door of the tattoo parlor and analyzed the reception area without thinking twice. The last couple of weeks had changed how vigilant she was. The receptionist wasn’t at her desk. Hopefully, Roam wasn’t by himself again. He had enough stress in his life with being a single father.
The quiet unnerved her. At this time, the tattoo shop should be bustling with activity. The music that Roam always had playing wasn’t on either. She pulled her gun, then texted Code Phoebe at the tattoo shop. They’d all taken to carrying wherever they went. They weren’t being caught unaware again.
She walked down the hallway, checking the tattoo stations as she passed. Roam’s chair was set up, so he’d obviously been in this morning, but he wasn’t there now. Rascal’s station was clean. He wasn’t working quite as much since he’d turned the majority over to Roam. A scrape from the office had her making her way to the open door, taking her gun in one hand and her phone in the other. A woman who Remi assumed was the receptionist was in front of the wall safe. She flipped on her video, making sure she got the open safe door. The only people allowed in the safe were Roam and Rascal. They didn’t trust anyone else. The woman was riffling through what was in there.
Remi would wait and see what she did next. Remi made sure she caught the receptionist’s face as she slid the credit union zippered bag out and put it under her arm then pulled a bag of pills out of her front pocket and placed it in the safe. Remi had seen enough because the glimpse of her face had anger coursing through her. What the hell was survivor number five doing in Bluff Creek at the tattoo shop? She couldn’t tell if she was armed but Remi wasn’t taking any chances. Before the woman could close the safe, Remi stopped the video then walked up behind her, placing her barrel against her back.
“Slowly slide your hands behind you. I don’t know why you’re messing in the safe, but I know you aren’t authorized. My gun is at your back, and I will shoot if you don’t follow my directions. Do you have any weapons on you?”
She squeaked and slid her hands back. Remi made quick work of sliding zip ties on her and pulling her toward the chair beside the desk. Thank goodness her tactical pants aways had items to secure skips. Pushing her down to sit, Remi used another set of zip ties to cuff her hands to the back of the chair.
“Where’s Roam?”