Page 39 of War

“Ambulance is here. Everyone is going to get checked out, no exceptions, but I want security,” Noah directed. “Jesse, what have you got?”

“I finished the upgrade on the first SUV. I could drive separately with War and Bear while Remi and Winnie go in the ambulance. You, Sarah and Beth along with some of the MC could stay here. This was a coordinated attack. If I’d planned it, the burning of the gym would be wave one to get everyone distracted before I hit with wave two. Everyone needs to be on alert.” Jesse’s no-nonsense voice gave him a sense of control for the first time since he’d spotted the smoke. At least she was thinking critically.

Locks nodded as Flick came in with a stretcher along with his partner. War was surprised Locks was letting his partner into what he’d term a safe room but maybe Noah trusted him.

Flick’s eyes glanced around the room, cataloguing injuries. His shoulders relaxed after his survey.

“It looks like we can all go get checked out at the hospital.”

War relaxed a little. Even though he’d seen Remi with his own eyes and held her in his arms, he’d still been concerned. The closest hospital was thirty minutes away and wasn’t equipped for anything major. After today, he’d be adding a full clinic on his wish list for the MC. He might need to recruit some more members with specific skill sets. He was grateful Remington or Winchester weren’t hurt worse but if they had been, he couldn’t imagine someone having to wait an hour to be transported to a major hospital.

Winchester stood up and Bear immediately grabbed her arm.

“I’m not going to fall but I wanted to thank you. Your worst-case scenario thinking which had us adding the hatch in the office is what saved us. If only we’d used you to help us on adding new security people.”

“Explain,” Bear growled.

“Don’t use that tone with me when my head is hurting. A new guy who was wearing one of our security shirts hit me over the head and knocked me out. I may be all sunshine and roses but I have no problem kicking you into next week when you piss me off.”

Bear’s eyes blazed and War could see this deteriorating. If they were going to get Remington and Winnie checked out, he needed to calm this down, though he was close to exploding.

Remington pulled her oxygen mask off so she could speak. “Winnie, we haven’t hired any new people in security in the last thirty days. You’ve met all of them.”

Remington’s raspy voice worried him but someone who had gotten on the property with a security company shirt worried him more.

“This guy said Dad sent him and asked to help. When I turned to show him the boxes to move, something hit the back of my neck and head, and it was lights out. Luckily, the hot embers hitting my hands woke me up otherwise the hatch wouldn’t have mattered.”

He needed to have the women checked out and then they’d need answers to how someone was able to get past the security.

“Get my daughters checked out then we’ll meet here for pancakes.”

Did he honestly hear Locks right? Multiple people had attacked them. The gym was burnt to the ground, he had an assailant to chat with, and Locks wanted fucking pancakes. Just as he started to blast Locks, Remington’s hand on his arm stopped him.

“Dad, explain before War goes ballistic.”

Remi’s words had a small grin quirking the side of his mouth as he nodded.

“Pancakes were Kathryn’s code for solving any problems. We’d meet in the kitchen with pancakes, bacon and whatever else she came up with and work through any issue. It stuck and we use it now.”

He ran his hand down Remi’s arm, reminding himself he didn’t lose her today. He could honor their traditions even though his first inclination was to lock Remington in the safe room and never let her out. His head was screaming she and Winnie had rescued themselves, but his heart was yelling at him to protect his warrior woman at any cost.

“You heard the man. Let’s get checked out then Code Pancakes.”