“Thanks for getting me here but I don’t fucking need your help getting my jeans off. We’ll just leave them on until tomorrow.”
She bit her lip, hiding a grin.
“I get it. The last thing you want is to have us tug and pull your jeans off, but I am an EMT. You are either letting me check you, or Bear and I will drag your sorry ass back out to the SUV and take you to the emergency room.”
She paused in the doorway with the keys. War’s eyes widened at her appearance. She wasn’t staying for the unveiling but not because she didn’t want to. Oh, she’d love to get a glimpse of his package but only if and when he wanted her to.
“Sorry to interrupt. Here’s the bike key and I’m so sorry, War. I never meant to hurt you.”
Laying the bike key on his dresser, she turned to leave but stopped at his words.
“I know you didn’t. Thanks for bringing my bike and don’t think there won’t be a rematch. I’ll just make sure next time I wear all provided safety equipment.”
His smile was more of a grimace. He was still in a lot of pain.
“Thanks, War. I’ll leave so you can get some rest.”
Heading out, she listened to War giving in and then groaning as they removed his jeans. He’d be okay. If Flick was seriously worried, they would have never brought him to the clubhouse first. He would have taken him to the closest ER, which wasn’t close at all, approximately forty miles. It was why she and her dad had been discussing adding in a small clinic and partnering with the brotherhood. With Flick’s expertise and a couple others, it would be nice to not have to drive for care, especially if it wasn’t a major emergency.
Seeing War helped her a little, but she’d figure out some other way to show she was sorry, unless as soon as he wasn’t in pain, he turned back into the guy that called her princess. Then, all bets would be off.
Chapter Ten
Remington glanced atthe schedule. Bear and Winchester had been partnered on a security gig last week and done well. The client had even included a tip because he’d appreciated their thoroughness. She bet they’d been thorough. Mr. and Mrs. Worst-Case Scenario would have talked through the million and one ways something could go wrong. He’d been a high-profile client and she’d known they’d work well together. Winnie had been a little irritable because she’d wanted to work with Bear and had argued with her until she’d finally agreed.
She was completely ignoring next week because she and War were scheduled for a security detail, an overnight. In fact, she needed to schedule him at the range with her this week. Her policy required that all new security detail officers had to go to the range with her. He’d been a police officer and she was positive he could shoot but there were details you picked up watching someone shoot on the range and then run the tactical course. Details that could be the edge they needed if things went from sugar to shit, which could happen no matter how much planning she did.
After her apology, she’d mistakenly assumed lunch at the clubhouse would be enjoyable and War would be civil. Whether it was because he was in pain or because he was being an ass, she’d bided her time and hadn’t really enjoyed her lunch with all the little digs he’d made. When she’d thanked Regina for the meal but said she had a prior engagement, Roam had touched her arm and mouthed ‘sorry.’ Why he thought he needed to apologize for his jerk of a brother, she wasn’t sure. Frankly, his attitude was strange with the changes. Maybe she’d have Sarah do a deep dive into his background. Because he was a member of the MC and had been around the family forever, they’d foregone the major background checks they normally did.
Possibly she was missing something, and she despised feeling like she didn’t have all the pieces to the puzzle. After she got back from the range, she’d schedule Sarah to dig deeper but if she didn’t leave now, she’d be late.
She grabbed the keys and walked out of the office. “Heading to the range.”
Winnie hopped up from behind her desk. “I’m going with.”
She paused and stared. Why would Winnie go? She’d just been there yesterday picking up a new gun and spending time on the range getting familiar with it. She cocked her eyebrow waiting for Winnie to explain. They’d done this so many times that who knew which one of them would win the standoff.