Page 28 of War

War: Hey, I’d love your opinion on my date with Remington. I want to make it special. Do you all have any suggestions?

Sarah: Don’t hurt her or I’ll bury you on our land where no one will find your bones.

Winnie: I think she’d love if you kicked your own ass.

Jesse: She loves preppy guys. No beards at all. Think button ups with sweaters over their shoulders.

War: I’m not shaving my beard.

Jesse: I don’t think you’re trying that hard to get in our good graces.

Beth: No sex until at least the third date. It’s Remi’s rule to see if guys are worth the time. Show her how special she is and that she’s worth the wait.

War: No sex on the first date seems a little strict when we’ve known each other for years.

Sarah: We could have suggested castration. No sex for three dates seems like a small price to pay to show her you’re serious.

War: When and if we get married, are you guys going to feel bad about how you’re treating me right now?

Beth: You seem pretty sure of yourself when you can’t even figure out a first date for yourself. Does a dog know how to drive a car?

Why the hell was Beth asking about a dog driving a car? Her sisters were seriously in need of help. He was regretting trying to get their opinions, but Remi loved her sisters and he needed to figure out how to get along with them.

War: No, a dog can’t drive a car.

Beth: There’s your answer. No, we won’t regret treating you this way. If you can’t take it, you don’t deserve her. Now remember, 3 dates until sex.

Her sisters were very opinionated but so far, they hadn’t given him much help. He’d hoped they’d tell him the perfect date. Maybe they didn’t want him to succeed. He needed them to realize he was serious, and this wasn’t a joke. He fucking hated sharing feelings but if it helped her sisters open up to him, he’d do it.

War: Remington is special. I’ve never felt about anyone the way I feel about her. If this becomes her last first date, which I’m hoping it will, I want it to be memorable.

Jesse: Hey, give him a chance. Maybe he’s not as stupid as we thought. He’s asking our opinion and sharing feelings.

Winnie: She loves motorcycles, guns and being appreciated for who she is. If you can’t see her for the awesome kickass woman she is, then cancel the date before tomorrow.

War: I’m not canceling.

Winnie: It sounds like you’re serious. If you want it to be memorable, then take something negative and change the memories.

Sarah: Winnie, he needs to fucking figure this out by himself. Mr. MC President can surely figure out what would make her happy. It’s not like he’s still in high school.

Jesse: Follow your heart. If she is truly who you want, then do things that will make her happy, but I agree, follow the no sex before the third date. If you try before that, Remington will be upset.

Winnie: Yep, trying for earlier could completely ruin everything before that.

Sarah: On that point, we all agree.

Take something negative and make it positive. He could work with that, and he owned a gun range and shop. He had access to whatever he needed. The no sex until the third date with how explosive their kiss had been would suck but if that’s what Remi needed to know he was serious, so be it.

War: You’ve given me some great ideas. I really appreciate your help.

Their replies ranged from thumbs up to don’t fuck this up. He’d taken the first step toward his new normal with Remington and he had her sisters to thank for it. He needed to get planning. He wasn’t screwing this up.