Page 27 of Twice as Twisted

“Tell me all about it, I’m going to listen and close my eyes for a bit.”

I wanted to fuck her.I should have just fucked her.

But I didn’t fuck her. She was so upset about Jeno seeing us. She chugged a glass of red wine so she wouldn’t hyperventilate. I told her I would talk to him. He was too afraid to tell our father anything. But why was she scared? Scared to lose him?

All I could think about was when I could have more of her. I didn’t give a shit about Kostas. He was my father, but he was ignorant and angry. Angry at what, the possibilities were endless. But he was angry. I didn’t blame my mother for leaving him. Why did my father have to meet Alyssa first? Why did I have the bad luck of meeting her second? It seemed fate wanted to ass fuck me because I liked to break the rules.

This would not be my reality.

Something would come in between them. Something would keep this marriage from taking place. But just how long would I have to wait for that to happen? I tried to act like I didn’t care. I just liked to push boundaries and cross lines. Thinking about her sleeping next to him was eating at me. I didn’t want to be so far from her. I wanted to know what she was up to. I started sleeping on the couch after I saw her forearm. Feeling the need to protect her, to take care of her.Alyssa was basically the perfect woman. My perfect woman. She was assertive, but kind. Kinky and sexy as fuck.

She had seen things, been places. She had done all the things I wanted to. I couldn’t change our ages, and I couldn’t change my attraction to her. But I could try to change our circumstance.

What if Kostasfound out about Judas?

Would he hit me? Hit Judas? Slice open my throat and throw my body into the ocean? I was acting hysterical, and I tried making fun of myself to stop, but it didn’t work. I poured myself another full glass of red wine and stared out the window at the ocean. Last night could never happen again. But I said that last time.

Judas did not equate with my plans, and I gave up on love. Love was a figment of your imagination. It wasn’t a real thing. Love was fleeting. It wasn’t something you could conjure up with a stranger. I knew that. I’ve been married three times. Although, if you asked me if I believed in love when I was nineteen, I would have said yes.

“Stop it, Judas. I’m not going to a strip club. I’m seeing someone, anyway.” Jeno entered the living room, with Judas following close behind him. I sipped my wine and tried to blend in with the couch. I was listening, though.

“Dude, you’re not seeing anyone. Come on. Are you gay? Because I’m bi so I’d be okay with it.” Judas feigned smacking Jeno in his balls, but Jeno batted his hand away. I tried to hold back a snort but failed. They both turned to me, Jeno shaking his head and walking away. Judas crashed onto the couch beside me, almost spilling my wine.

“What’s up, sexy?” he grinned, and I elbowed him in the ribs.

“Stop it. This is crazy. What would your dad say?” I whispered.

“Don’t say, ‘Dad’. I’m daddy, you call me daddy.” He nuzzled into my neck, growling into my ear. Jeno walked by us, and I stood up fast.


He stood in the kitchen, chugging a tall glass of water. “I have gifts for your birthday’s. Judas’ is around the back and Jeno, I’ll give you yours at the Engagement party.”

I’m not completely sure, but I think Jeno rolled his eyes. Judas ran into the kitchen like an oversized, excited puppy.

“A gift? For me?!” He made an emphasised, enormous grin and I couldn’t help but laugh. They followed me to the back patio and a shiny red Ducati 916 sat next to the patio table. Judas started jumping up and down and dancing. He was all teeth and tattoos, hopping on and off the bike.

“What is that?” I laughed.

“A happy dance!” Judas dipped and jerked his hips. Jeno cracked a small smile.

“I’m so glad you like it.” It felt good to give him something he probably never thought he would have.

He circled me with his hat turned back. “Even better? Now we can run away together.” He winked and rubbed his hands together. My belly filled with butterflies, and the corners of my mouth lifted in an unavoidable smile.

“Am I getting a motorcycle, too? Because if so, you can just bring it back. I hope it’s returnable.” Jeno stood with his arms crossed, watching Judas get on.

Jeno walked towards me and stopped, squinting his eyes. “I don’t think you realise what you’ve just done. Hope you’re happy.” He pushed past me and back into the house. I brushed it off. I planned on making some rules for him.

He would listen to me.

The bikejust made Alyssa look even more guilty.

Why would anyone buy such an expensive gift for someone they barely knew? This all had happened too fast. It all seemed too good to be true. I’m the only one who wasn’t distracted by her tits and ass. Okay, well, maybe I was a little. The only answer I could come up with was his silence.

She didn’t want Judas to tell our father what happened between them. To me, that means she planned to continue this charade. Have her cake and eat it, too.

Juniper thinks she murdered someone and is in hiding. That she isn’t who she says she is, alias and all. We laughed it off, but this woman was a total stranger to us. I slammed my door shut and ripped off my hoodie. Sweat covered my body, and I looked down over my abs. Finally, the muscles I was destined to have.