Page 40 of Twice as Twisted

“I never would have let him touch you, I would have killed him first.” He growled in my ear, unzipping his jeans, and hoisting me on to the tip of his dick. The crown penetrated me with eagerness, and Judas thrusted up over and over. My ponytail bounced onto my face.

“Are you free now, little bird?” He breathed into my neck. My head slammed back against the wall, and I shut my eyes. My pussy filled and my clit throbbing with pain and pleasure; I cried out.

“Yes, I’m free.” I whispered. One more deep thrust, and I felt the warmth of him filling me. He groaned, stiffening. I heard the water of the shower turn off. I wanted to be long gone by the time Kostas was done. I could buy new clothes.

“I have to go. You know where I’ll be.” I kissed him deeply, then he set me down, and I adjusted my panties. I placed another kiss on his lips on my tiptoes, grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

I reclined backin the desk chair, the same slapping water sound hour after hour.

This creaky shack would be torn down soon. Two days ago, the new owner Richard, announced that the building would become a D&D and anyone who was already an employee; could keep their job if they wanted. Of course, I wouldn’t be sitting in a salt-stained building by myself anymore. I would flip burgers. I shuffled through the large photos of Juniper that I had developed myself, thanks to a few tricks Alyssa taught me. Juniper really was breathtaking.

A small knock came at the door, and when I looked out through the small panes, it was Alyssa. I opened the door and stepped outside beside her. She wore an oversized sweater and black moto leggings, her face bare.

“You’re leaving, huh? Really going to go through with it?” I asked her, part of me sad to see her go.

She looked up at me and smiled, holding out her hand. “Here, I just finished cleaning it out.” I took what was in her hand, a small palm tree keychain and two keys.

“Seriously?” I asked, looking behind me at her yacht.

She nodded. “Now you can really chase your dreams. Or you can use it if you ever need to escape.”

“Thank you.”

The textsbetween Judas and I the past two days were strained.

I asked him to come to my hotel room, but he said he was tired. I even asked if he wanted to have dinner together, but he said no. I had finally broken free of most of my barriers, and Judas had helped me unlock almost all of them. He had opened my eyes to a new way of thinking, and he had made me love myself and all my tattered edges all over again. Judas may be much younger in age, but he had lived and experienced a lot, just like me.

If I walked away from Judas, I would always question what would have happened. I would spend endless nights torturing myself with the questions, and I knew that. I needed to see him, to tell him. Tell him I loved him and that I knew this was fate. That everything had happened for a reason. I texted him for the third time today, after no response this morning.

‘Please meet me where we met the second time.’

I chewed my nails, waiting for his response, resisting the urge to pour myself a glass of wine. My phone chimed, and he agreed. But he also said we needed to talk. Which didn’t sound like Judas at all.

I saton the beach’s edge, in the same spot where I watched Alyssa taunt me from a lounge chair not long ago.

I saw her walking towards me out of the corner of my eye, and I stood. I was shaking.

“Hi. I missed you. Where have you been the last few days?” she asked. Her skin glowed in the sunset.

“Did you go looking for my father?” I blurted, feeling frantic and scattered. I needed the answer. I had tried to calm myself down for three days.

“Judas, listen to me. I didn’t plan any of this. It just sort of, fell into place.” She took a step toward me, but I backed up.

“Everything I’ve put on the line for you. My friends and family. It was all some revenge plan? A staycation at my father’s expense? It’s fucked up.” I put my hands on my hips and paced the dock. I didn’t give a fuck who was looking.

“No, it wasn’t. Well, I mean… I knew he was married to your mother, at one time. But your father… he’s just… my type. We clicked.” She crossed her arms over her chest and paced, too.

“Ugh, yeah, that’s just what I want to hear about. How my father is just your type.” I linked my finger on top of my head to keep from punching something.

“Do you really think I could guess that he would propose to me? I was… flattered.” She wrapped her fingers around the necklace I bought her.

“And you pulled me right into it. Batting your eyelashes and swaying your hips around the house in a sheer robe. Like a fucking tease.” I shouted so loud that the seagulls flew away.

I knew my dick had huge control over my choices. I’m mature enough to admit that. Maybe I had met my match. A woman who could fuck without feelings, too.

“Tease?! I’m a tease?! If I remember it correctly, you followed me into the kitchen and yanked on my nipple ring. This is all your fault.” She said, anger bubbling under her tears. I shook my head, trying to grasp what it was about her I didn’t want to let go of. What drew me to her in the first place?

“Why did you say yes? You told me you hated every marriage you’ve been in. That you wanted to be free. So why say yes?”