Page 38 of Twice as Twisted

“Make sure you wear a pad for a few days. Take it easy and keep it clean. I wouldn’t play with it until it’s totally healed.” He stood and removed his gloves, eyeing Judas. I gently slid on my loose shorts and winced as I walked towards the door.

“I would say that we could go hit the town and have a wild night, but…” I limped, careful not to rub my thighs together. It was painful, but it was also exhilarating. The last time I had a piercing was ten years ago. The street outside was busy with traffic, and the nightlife crowded the streets. I continued to limp, taking off my heels and sticking out my lip again. His tight white T made his skin look even more tan, and the silver chain around his neck gleamed under the streetlights.

He smiled down at me, and in one quick motion, scooped me up into his arms. He jogged with me in his arms while I giggled. When we got to the bike, he gently set me down on the seat. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than relaxing in a King-sized bed with you.” He placed his hand easily around my neck, squeezing gently and tilting my chin up.

“I can’t way to play with our new toy.”

Watching Alyssa getting pierced,agreeing with me so easily… it just made me fall even harder for her.

She was fierce and soft all at the same time. She was the type of woman you could make languid love to for hours, or bruise and bind until she screamed for release. I carried her from the bike to the hotel room, people watching us and wondering if we were newlyweds. We both chuckled inside the elevator.

I laid her on the bed and ripped off her shorts. She squealed but slightly spread her legs and waited for me. I pulled my shirt over my head with one hand and crawled next to her on the bed.

“When were you going to point out the tattoo of Zeus on your pec?” She outlined the Greek God’s face, needled into my skin in black and blue.

“I dunno. Is that necessary?” I dragged my fingertips up her thigh and to the small ‘free bird’ tattoo at the top.

“I want to know everything about you. The meanings of your tattoos, the scars on your skin.” She ran her finger down my arm, to a white patch of raised skin the size of a pencil. “How did you get this one?” Her eyes shimmered blue, like the surface of the ocean in the sunlight.

“That was from one crazy summer in Mexico. I was seventeen and dating a twenty-five-year-old herbalist. We tripped on Peyote in the desert with a few friends and I took off chasing something. Fell into a river and onto some rocks. Sliced myself open bad.” I rubbed it; the memory cloudy.

“So, you’ve always liked older women, then?” She grinned.

“Speaking of old times, you going to tell me about this club you worked at?” I smiled widely so she would know she could share anything with me without punishment.

The traffic onthe highway on our way back to Newport beach was backed up and we had been sitting in the scorching sun for almost an hour. I felt Alyssa squirm behind me, and I turned to help her take off her helmet.

“What the fuck! I can’t take anymore; my cunt is on fire and I need to check for bleeding.” She had red indentations around her nose and eyes from the helmet. She looked tired. Part of me felt guilty. I had been the one to suggest that spot.

“I got you baby, put your helmet back on.” I pulled mine on again and waited for her to do the same. Looking around for any movement of cars, I darted in between the lines of traffic until we reached an off ramp. I sped to the closest gas station and pulled in.

“Go ask for the bathroom key, and I’ll meet you there.” We both walked into the store, hand in hand. She walked to the counter, said a few words, and took the key outside and around the building. I grabbed a fountain of soda, plus an extra cup filled with ice. I paid for the drink and bounded outside and around the building, softly knocking three times on the bathroom door.

Alyssa cracked the door, her black lashes fluttering as she backed up to let me in. She already stood naked from the waist down, her skirt neatly folded on top of the counter. I popped an ice cube and gently kicked her feet apart. I got down on my knees, thankful I wore jeans for the ride.

Her clit was angry red but wasn’t swollen. Using my mouth, I ran the cube softly over the nub, water dripping down my chin. I heard her sigh, and she parted her legs more. I moved my head in small circles, keeping the same pressure until the ice cube was gone. My lips brushed the ring, and she hissed. I continued the process with two more cubes until she was satisfied. I took off my shirt and patted her pussy until it was dry. Alyssa’s eyes lit with fire, and she smiled.

I shook my head, “Gotta wait, angel.” Waves of happiness rippled through me. She was turned on, even in pain. A spicy and sweet cocktail, just the way I like mine.

“I don’t want to wait. I like the pain and the pleasure. Together.” She walked to me, stroking my chest.

I couldn’t say no when she begged that way. “Since you’ve asked so nicely…” I took another cube into my mouth and knelt, using slightly more pressure. I used my lips to make circles around the ring. I grabbed each of her thighs, steadying her. She moaned. Pleasure and pain all rolled into one. Her knees buckled, and I held her there.

She succumbed and shook with an orgasm so powerful that she crumpled to the floor. And into my arms.

Judas and Alyssacame home together on that stupid bike.

Dad still wasn’t home yet, and it felt like I was waiting for a big show. I sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen with a beer, something I rarely did. I just didn’t know what else to do. Thunder cracked outside, and rain beat down on the roof.

Alyssa and Judas burst through the door, laughing and soaking wet. I watched as they undressed each other and ran up the stairs. I sipped my beer, scrolling through the photos that Juniper and I had taken over the weekend.

I felt someone approach me from behind, and Judas tousled my hair until it was in my eyes. “Wassup, baby bro?”

He sat beside me and opened a beer. “I’m literally younger than you buy five minutes, Dumbass.” I said, missing Juniper and wanting nothing more than to disintegrate into the floor. Alyssa appeared from the other doorway, the one closer to her room. I guess they didn’t think I would notice.

“How was your weekend, Jeno?” she asked, drying her hair with a towel. The front door slammed, and Kostas set down his duffel bag with a huff. His beard had grown in, full and unruly. No one greeted him, and the mood of the room changed. As if we were unruly children, caught.

“Well, hello to you guys, too. Everyone looks so happy to see me.” He stalked past the kitchen doorway, rolling his luggage behind him. Judas and Alyssa exchanged glances. And it made me furious.