Page 37 of Twice as Twisted

“Oh, Angel. What can we do to make this trip exciting for you? If you could do anything, what would it be? Besides making you come.” I lost my fake pouty face and laughed.

He smacked my ass and leaned into my ear. “It will feel so much better if you just wait.” He gently sucked my earlobe and kissed down my jaw. My nipples hardened, and I scanned my mind for something to do that would turn the heat to another level. I needed to keep up with his youthful appetite for wicked things.

After thinking for a minute, I finally said, “A piercing. I want another piercing.”

He kisses my cheek and whispers, “That’s my bad girl.”

I felt angry and betrayed.

Mostly on my father’s behalf, but also because it was another female, I had grown close to. Another woman who ran off on us. I had a feeling that Judas had something to do with it. If it was because of him, or with him- he was still a selfish asshole either way. Just like he always was. Girl after girl in the hallways of our high school asking me what it was, they did wrong.

Why didn’t he call? Did he say anything to you? If I couldn’t spill the beans to my father, then I needed to tell someone. Or else I just may explode. I pulled out my phone. My shift was over in a half hour. I texted Juniper, even though it was near one am. My phone pinged back, telling me to come over. She was always so reliable, it’s what I loved the most about her. I turned off the computer and lights, locked the door behind me, and walked to the parking lot to wait.

“I hope this is good, because I was cozy in my bed with some Netflix and hot fries.” She gave me a side eye, and I felt a need to feel her skin on mine, share a sentiment with her that could express that way she moved me.

I lean into her, taking her face into my hands, and bringing her lips to mine. The kiss was tender. She smells like incense and beeswax. It makes me feel dizzy as our mouths work together, our tongues tangling. A small moan comes from her throat, and I pull back.

“Thank you. Let’s go to my beach house, and you can spend the night.” I smiled at her, taking her hand, and squeezing it.

“Wait, so shealready sold the Marina, and your dad had no idea about it?” She chewed her pizza loudly and talked with her mouth full.

I grabbed a third piece and nodded my head. “Yup. I just wonder how much else she’s kept from us. Is she even really from here?”

“Yeah, she is. My parents know her. They said she was the sweetest girl growing up, quiet and polite. Then, when her brother died, she just went off the deep end. Ran away to Vegas and did some shady shit. Everyone knew about it.” She dips her pizza crust into a container of ranch dressing.

“That’s wild. I just wonder, why us? Do you think she really wants revenge? She definitely acted like she didn’t. She said she didn’t need revenge, that she forgave my mother.” I tossed aside my crust and wiped my fingers on a napkin.

“I think that’s amazing. That takes growth to be that smart about it. I think she came here for a purpose. Well, I think everything happens for a reason. She’s here to teach you something. Or else she wouldn’t annoy you so much. The opposite of Love is indifference.” I love how smart and insightful she is. So— well rounded.

“Let’s go to bed, Goddess. I have something I want to show you.”

She giggles and chases me down the hallway to my room.

As we standin the waiting room of the tattoo parlour, I get stage fright.

I’ve had piercings. Nipples, tongue, and nose. All of which I removed once I got married. Well, all except one.

I wasn’t sure what to pick, but the excitement bubbled inside me. “You pick the piercing.” I said, Judas holding my hand while I signed the release forms.

“You sure you want me to pick?” He smirked, the gold in his eyes shining.

I nod, waiting for him to say nipple— might as well make it a set, right?

“Clit. Hood.” He licks his lips and rubs his hands together and I roll my eyes. I’m officially terrified.

Judas told the tech what we were interested in, and he had four different clit piercings.

“This one.” he pointed to the vertical hood piercing. “When it heals, it will feel so fucking good. Even just a little tug.” His words send chills through my body. It wasn’t new information. I had considered it once before when I was younger and working at the club. “Let’s do it.”

I sat on the chair covered in medical paper, naked from the waist down. The guy who was doing it was bald with facial tattoos. He also sported about ten piercings in his face.

“Spread your legs. I need to insert a Q-Tip under the hood. Tell me when you’re ready. Deep breaths.” He took his gloved hands, grabbed a tiny Q-Tip and glasses. Judas stayed right beside me the entire time, holding my hand and watching the big dude closely.

I take a breath, “ready.”

“Okay. One… two… three…” He plunged in the needle, and I gasped, squeezing Judas’ hand. The feeling was a pinch but was also mixed with sweet pain.

“All done.” He pushed himself back away from me, and I looked down. A small, curved barbell poked out from the top of the pink rosebud. I looked up and smiled at Judas, my lips between my teeth.