She doesn't want to be attracted to me, but she is.

It's a huge relief because I'm very attracted to her.

I hate that we have to be in this position.

That we can't continued to be two strangers that met up one night on a bridge.

There had been so much potential between us, and it went up in flames thanks to my father.

There's no point in dwelling on it though because it won't change the situation we are now facing.

I have to focus on keeping Diana safe.

I don't doubt for a single second that Atwell is also after her.

He wouldn't know the circumstances around our wedding.

He most likely believes we're in love, and if he's going after me, he would kill her to cause me pain.

I'm not going to allow that to happen.

"How are you holding up?" I ask.

She has been pretty quiet since we started to drive this morning.

I know she's processing everything that happened, and she needs time.

So I want to give her that time and allow her to talk to me when she's ready.

It's nearing five o'clock though, and we haven't really spoken much at all today.

The most words we've said to each other were a quick trip to Target to pick up a couple of things we both needed.

That was three hours ago, and we haven't spoken since.

"It's starting to feel real. I know it should have felt real last night, but," she starts.

"It's perfectly natural for you to be in a fog of some sorts. Last night, everything was still fresh. Your mind dissociates so it can stay focused on what needs to be done. Now that you've had time to come back down from the initial trauma, you are starting to really understand what happened. I even woke up this morning shocked that we were on the run from a hitman."

The longer this goes on, the greater the risk of Diana showing signs of trauma.

I don't want that to happen to her, and the only way for her to come through this would be to talk about it.

I highly doubt she's ready for that currently though.

I'm going to be watching her very closely though and stepping in if it appears that she's struggling too much.

"So this has never happened to you before?"

"Being the target of a hitman?

Fuck no. I was honest with you about being a hacker and programmer.

I want nothing to do with my family's business, but you don't exactly walk away when you are the future Don.

Maybe if my father was willing to allow it, but he's not.

He would have no problem shooting me in the head if it came down to it.