He holds a pair of pliers, glowing red hot at the tips, and I know he means to use them on Diana.

My heart races, my blood boiling with rage, but I force myself to stay calm, for her sake.

"Ah, there you are," Atwell sneers, his gaze flicking between Diana and me.

"Giovanni, you really must learn how to keep your women under control."

"Leave her alone, Atwell," I growl, shielding Diana behind me as best as I can.

"She has nothing to do with our feud."

"But that's where you're wrong," he smirks, stepping closer.

"You see, if I disfigure her pretty face, it'll hurt you more than any bullet ever could."

"Please, don't," Diana whispers, her body trembling against the pole.

I can feel her fear, but I won't let it paralyze me.

"Let her go, Atwell," I plead, desperation creeping into my voice despite my best efforts.

"Take me instead.

I'll do anything you want, just leave her out of this."

Atwell raises an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Now, that's an interesting offer. But what makes you think I need you?"

"I know what my father did you to," I argue, swallowing my pride for Diana's sake. "Take me. That's what'll hurt him the most."

A cruel laugh escapes Atwell's lips as he glances between me and Diana. "I don't think so, Giovanni," he sneers. "You're not the one calling the shots here."

"Anthony, be careful," Diana whispers, her voice strained from pain and fear.

"Stay quiet, sweetheart," I tell her softly, my heart aching at the sight of her battered face. "I'll get us out of this."

"Bold words for someone who has always lived in the shadows of his father." Atwell taunts, gesturing to Miller. "But let's see how you handle this."

Miller lunges at me, his fists flying. I roll to dodge his attacks, adrenaline surging through me as I rise to my feet. My every instinct screams at me to take this fight away from Diana.

"Get him!" Miller shouts, but I'm already in motion. I land a solid punch to his gut, then follow up with an elbow strike to the temple. He crumples to the ground, unconscious.

"Let her go, Atwell," I warn, wiping blood from my lip. "You don't want to see what happens if you don't."

"Ha! Big talk from someone who just got back on their feet," he mocks, eyeing me coldly. But I see it – the flicker of uncertainty in his gaze.

"Your move," I challenge, bracing myself for the next wave of attackers.

"Kill him!" Atwell orders, and I hadn't realized Miller was moving to his feet again. I sidestep the first attack, delivering a swift kick to his knee that sends him sprawling. He stands right back up, runs towards me and manages to land a blow on my shoulder, but I retaliate with a powerful uppercut that knocks him back.

"Is that all you got?" I grunt, panting from the effort.

"Far from it," Miller replies, his eyes narrowing. Hatred boils in my veins as I face him, my fingers itching to wrap around his neck.

"Anthony, don't let him get to you," Diana pleads, but I can't afford to hold back. Not now, not when our lives are on the line.

"Time for a little payback," I growl, launching myself at the traitor. We trade blows, our fists connecting with flesh and bone. The pain is searing, but I refuse to give in. I can't lose – not when Diana's counting on me.

With a final surge of strength, I grab the Fed by the throat, slamming him against the wall. His eyes widen in terror as my grip tightens, choking the life out of him. "This is for betraying us," I whisper, watching the light fade from his eyes.