"Because I know who this belongs to, and I don't believe it was left here accidentally."

"What do you mean?" he asks, his tone shifting from friendly concern to something colder.

"Remember when I told you about the man who was chasing me? Damon Atwell?" I say, my hands trembling as I clutch the pendant tightly.

"This is his. He wore it the night we met."

"Are you sure?" Agent Miller says, feigning surprise.

"There are plenty of pendants like that around. It could be anyone's."

"Positive," I say, my voice firm despite the turmoil inside me.

As silence fills the car, my mind races through the implications of this discovery.

The possibilities are terrifying – has Agent Miller been working with Damon all along?

Was he planning to turn me over to him?

My breathing grows shallow, and the world around me seems to close in as panic threatens to consume me.

"Agent Miller," I say, trying to maintain a steady voice, "I need you to tell me the truth. Are you working with Damon Atwell?"

He hesitates for a moment, his grip on the steering wheel tightening.

Finally, he sighs and says, "Diana, I promise you that I'm here to protect you."

But my gut tells me otherwise.

This feeling of dread and betrayal is too strong to ignore.

My mind races through all the possible scenarios, trying desperately to find a way out of this situation.

I can't let him take me anywhere, not until I know for sure what side he's on.

"Pull over," I demand, my tone more forceful than I intended.

"What? Why?" he asks, feigning confusion.

"Please, just pull over," I say, struggling to keep the tremor from my voice.

I need to buy myself some time, to figure out how to escape if necessary.

To my surprise, he locks the doors.

I hear it loud and clear.


"You're stressed out," he says, through gritted teeth.

"I get it. You've had a bad experience or two. But now, you're going to listen to me whether you like it or not. I won't hurt you."

He continues driving and I know the unspoken word ... yet.

I can feel the panic rising in my chest as I frantically search for a way out.

I scan the empty road, hoping to spot a house or another car that I could signal for help.