But now, with this room staring me right in my face, I wonder if the good can ever erase the demons that are a part of this world?

And I wonder ... what would my child grow up to be with these influences?

A monster? A victim?

In danger ... or dangerous?

Without another thought, I turn back and run out. I can't deal with any of this right now.

Chapter 20


Islumpinmyleather chair, rubbing my temples as the glow of multiple computer screens casts a harsh light on my weary face.

I've been at this for hours, trying to figure out why David Atwell, a former hitman for my father's mafia, is hell-bent on killing me.

It's been nothing but dead ends and frustration, and I'm about ready to call it a day.

But I've been running in circles for so long, that my brain is confused.

An obsession-like disease crawls through my mind, and each time the rational side of my brain reaches out at me to end this madness of trying to find answers, the sickness that consumes my mind refuses to let me shut it down.

So, where am I at right now?

I can't call anyone, because I'm surrounded by enemies.

Whoever I can call is either in hiding, or knows nothing.

All I have left is for me to fall back on my one and only skill.

"Come on, Anthony," I whisper to myself,

"you're a damn computer genius. You can do this."

I crack my knuckles, take a deep breath, and dive back into hacking into whatever I can.

Government files on Damon Atwell, media reports, and communication between other enemy mafia families.

But contrary to my previous beliefs, that an enemy has sent a hit on us, I find all evidence pointing in the other direction.

None of our enemies, at the moment, give a damn whether we live or die.

Things are, for a change, calm.

Diana's words come to mind.

Perhaps Atwell has a personal vendetta.

Should I?

I can ask my father directly but right now, I don't know where he's hiding out or how to find him and secondly, he'd lie through his teeth to protect himself.

I do the unthinkable. For the first time in my life, I decide to spy on his operations.

After putting in the codes, which take an hour to run, I break into my father's entire mafioso communication network.

As the son of a Mafia Don, I've got access to resources most people could only dream of.