Still, just once it would have been nice to have something go my way.

I scrub a hand over my face and turn my car on.

I have work to do, and there is no point in stewing over something I can't change.

I will adapt and find a way out of all of this eventually.

My father is good at getting what he wants, but I am also good at planning, and one day I will have my plan complete, and then I will have my true freedom.

Chapter 3


Iamsupposedtobe focused on my work, but all my mind can think about is my night with Tony.

It is six weeks later, and I can still feel his touch lingering on my skin.

My night with Tony ass bittersweet in a sense because it was an amazing night, but that's all it will ever be.

I couldn’t get his cell phone number because I knew I will never be able to call him.

Having that number would have been a huge temptation and too risky to have in my life.

I have accepted that I am trapped within a loveless marriage, at least for a little while, and there is nothing I can do about it.

All I can do is ensure my father is happy so he doesn't hurt anyone and wait for when he dies.

It isn't ideal, but with the company he is now keeping, the odds of him being killed drastically go up.

With him dead, I will be free to leave my marriage and finally get to live my life how I see fit.

It is ridiculous that I have to live my life this way, but I should be used to it by now.

My phone vibrates, and I look down to see a text message from Jo.

She is one of the charity directors that I work with, and she is one of my favorites.

She runs an all-girls youth shelter within the South Side of Chicago.

It is a rough area, and a lot of the teenage girls are at-risk youth for gangs and prostitution.

I have been involved with Jo's charity for five years now, and when I first walked through her doors, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

She has an eight-bedroom house, and each room has two bunk beds, and they are all full.

Thirty-two girls, all between the ages of thirteen and seventeen.

All of them have nowhere else to go, and it is heartbreaking.

They are barely able to eat enough in the day, let alone have new clothes or school supplies.

Some of them have come from abusive homes.

Some have been forced into prostitution or selling drugs.

It is no life for a child to have.

I have started to help out and raise funds to support them.