No last names, no expectations, no threats.

Just us and a perfect escape playing on the TV.

Diana shifts, her thigh sliding between mine in a way that makes my pulse jump.

But she settles again, apparently content for now with the simple pleasure of being close.

And so am I.

As Bogart whispers his final goodbye, I press a kiss to Diana's hair and breathe deep.

The credits roll but neither of us moves to turn off the TV or DVD player.

We're caught in our own world, a fragile bubble of peace amidst the chaos waiting outside.

Diana's fingers trail down my chest, toying with the buttons of my shirt.

"Thank you for this. For giving me an evening away from all the stress and worry."

Her words echo my own thoughts.

I cup her face, tilting it up so I can see those blue eyes.

"I needed it as much as you did, trust me."

A wry twist of her lips.

"My poor mobster. All that responsibility weighing on your shoulders."

Despite her teasing tone, her eyes are soft with understanding.

Only Diana can see beyond the legend of Anthony Giovanni to the man underneath.

A man with hopes, fears, weaknesses and insecurities, just like anyone else.

I brush my thumb over the fullness of her lower lip.

"Lucky for me, I have an angel to lift me up when the burden grows too heavy."

"Oh don't be coy," she murmurs, eyes gleaming.

I let out a small laugh.

She knows how to keep me on my toes.

Heat sparks low in my belly at the promise in her voice.

My hand slides down to cup the back of her neck, angling her mouth up to mine.

Our first kiss is slow, soft, a relearning of something familiar yet forever new.

Diana sighs into my mouth, her hand curving around my neck to hold me close.

The TV screen has gone dark but I have all the light I need in the taste of her lips and the warmth of her body pressed to mine.

I deepen the kiss, my tongue slipping past her lips to tangle with hers.

Diana moans, the sound vibrating through me, and arches into my touch.