This is just perfect.

I work my ass off to get away from my father's control, and all of it is for nothing because I am right back to where I started.

"When do I meet her?"

There is no point in fighting because it will only get me and this woman killed.

I don't know her, and chances are I won't like her, but that doesn't mean I want her killed.

"In six weeks, you will meet her at the rehearsal dinner. Until then, I have plenty of work for you to do," he says as he picks up a file and drops it down onto the desk.

I know what is in it, a very long list of marks he wants me to research and find dirt on.

I have no problem doing this part because I always keep a copy for myself in case I ever need it one day.

I do have dreams of leaving this life.

Getting out alive is the trick.

I have been hoping I could do it before I have a wife or children because then it will become even harder to fake multiple people's death and create a whole new life within a different country.

It might sound extreme, but that is the only way I am getting out alive.

Now I am going to have a wife to deal with.

One that I have to assume is going to be my worst nightmare.

Someone who is an airhead and only cares about the finer things in life.

Someone who will want to use a surrogate to have children so she won't ruin her figure.

Just the thought of having a child with this woman makes my stomach turn, and I haven't even met her yet.

"I'll get right on it," I say as I pick up the file and head out.

On the drive home, I can't help but think about Di. I don't know her full name, just that nickname she has finally given up.

I still don't understand why she doesn't want to tell me her full name, but I give her the same in return.

A little mystery never hurts anyone.

It has been three days since that night, and I still can't stop thinking about her.

I should have given her my number or gotten hers, but it was only supposed to be a fun night of freedom together, one we didn't expect to end in sex, but I am very glad it did.

I swear I can still smell her on my jacket, and it is fueling some epic dreams.

She is the type of woman I could marry.

She is smart, funny, beautiful, kind, and she likes playing video games.

Now that is the type of woman you kill for.

The type of woman that you risk everything just to have.

I am not even going to get to fight for her because I will be off married to someone else.

It isn't fair, not that life ever is.