My gaze automatically goes to the nakedness of her skin that's just been revealed, and I turn my eyes away immediately.

She notices, and blushes, pulling up her strap.

We clean up in silence.

After we're done, I suggest we retire to the den for a movie or something.

It's still early, I'm not sleepy, and I'm not ready to spend a second away from her - for as long as I can get away with it.

Diana reclines against the plush cushions of the sofa, legs curled beneath her.

The soft light of the fireplace washes over her features, shadows dancing across her face.

"Did you see what the Kardashians did now?"

She rolls her eyes dramatically.

"Honestly, I can't keep up with their drama."

I snort, settling in beside her.

"You do realize they manufacture most of that drama for publicity?"

"Cynic," she accuses, but her lips quirk upwards.

"Not all of us can be as mysterious as the elusive Anthony Giovanni."

"I prefer the term 'private'," I reply loftily.

She giggles, the sound light and carefree.

A swell of warmth blooms in my chest at the knowledge that I helped put that look on her face.

At the same time, no one has ever made me laugh like she does.

She is cleverly humorous.

We are a partnership of equals.

I find myself craving these quiet moments together, a respite from the chaos that follows us.

Here, in this room with her, I can simply be Anthony.

Not the Giovanni heir or mafia prince, just a man with the woman he lo—

I clench my jaw, cutting off that dangerous train of thought.

Emotions only lead to weakness, and weakness means death in my world.

But when I look at Diana, laughing and beautiful in the firelight, I can't stop myself from wondering if perhaps there are still things in this life worth feeling for.


The TV network comes in broken waves and I am yet to find the DVD's.

We put that hunt off for tomorrow, and settle down with some warm tea.

Billie Holiday croons softly through the speakers, her smoky voice like velvet in the quiet room.