My father will sell it as the original to a hundred people all over the world, and none of them are the wiser.

If there is one thing I have to give my father, it's that he is a smart businessman.

That doesn't mean I'm about to marry some woman that I don't even know.

I'm sick and tired of my father thinking he can control every aspect of my life.

Growing up, I had to put up with it because I lived under his roof. However, the second I turned eighteen, I was getting the fuck out of his house and into my own.

I even worked jobs to save up money so I could pay my own bills and not use his, not even my trust fund.

Still, to this day, I don't touch any of it.

It's the cause of a lot of fights between us because, to him, it's ridiculous and childish that I refuse to touch the money, especially because there is over a billion dollars in the account.

To him, I'm slumming it when I should be living the high life in some mansion of his choosing, performing a song and dance whenever he snaps his fingers.

And that's exactly why I work for my own money.

Why I live in a one-bedroom condo.

To him, I lower myself to the servant level, but to me, it is my freedom, and I am not about to give it up.

I am not about to marry some woman I don't even know.

"You will be doing it. In six weeks, there will either be a wedding or there will be a funeral. I don't care which one you pick, both get me what I want."

"I am sure there are others within the organization who would be happy to do this for you, Father. You don't need me for this specific task."

I have no doubt that he will kill me.

I knew he would from the young age of thirteen when I told him I wanted to go to computer camp over the summer instead of packaging cocaine.

He has never supported my interest in coding, at least not until he discovered that once you can code, you can hack.

Then he was all for it.

He sent me to every coding, hacking camp, and program within the country to build up my skills.

Not because he was a doting and supportive parent, but because it meant I could hack various people for him and generate a large list of clients he could blackmail.

It is useful, and when I am not working for him, I pick up freelance jobs to support myself.

He has no problem killing me.

He can shoot me right here in the face and call someone to clean up the mess like it is a normal Tuesday to him.

After all, he can always make another kid.

A line every child longs to hear from their parents.

"Alonzo doesn't want just anyone, he wants royalty, and that leaves only you. You are doing this, or I will not only kill you but the daughter as well. I can assure you Alonzo doesn't care for her either."

"Have you even met her?"

"No. I have been told she is very beautiful and will make a great trophy. She doesn't work, and she lives within Alonzo's home, so there is nothing keeping her from moving into the house of my choosing. You will, of course, need to move. You can't expect her to be happy going from a mansion to your little rundown condo."

Great, so not only do I have to deal with getting married to a complete stranger, but she's a gold digger priss.