We both know what kind of business the mafia carries out - there's no way around it.

We step inside, and an older man looks up from the counter.

"What can I do for ya two?" he says, eying us warily.

My heart is beating in my chest, and I can feel Diana tense beside me in anticipation.

All we need to do is get a car - just one car so that we can keep running until we reach Montana.

"We'd like to rent a car," I say, trying to control my shaking voice.

"Just for the day."

The man nods and comes out from behind the counter, holding out his hand expectantly.


I swallow hard and fish out my fake ID's nervously as Diana does the same with hers.

My heart is pounding in my chest as he scrutinizes them carefully.

I pause, every instinct screaming that something is off.

The man studies them for a few minutes, then takes them from my hand and heads towards the back of the store.

I feel my breath catch in my throat as I watch him go, picking up the phone and dialing a number as he moves.

My mind whirls with possibilities.

Is this it?

Is he calling someone to come after us?

Or is he simply checking to make sure that we're not wanted criminals or something?

Has he figured the ID's are fake?

I fight down the growing anxiety inside me and put on a brave face.

No matter what, if we need to run again, I know how to do it.

We have done it before and we can do it again.

I take Diana's hand in mine and squeeze it gently.

"What's wrong?" Diana whispers, pressing close to my side.

"Not sure." I scan the street, spotting nothing out of the ordinary.

A couple walking their dog, an old man sitting on a bench.

But my gut won't stop churning.

Making a split-second decision, I steer Diana away from the shop, heading across the street instead.

"Change of plans. We'll boost a car instead, get out of here quicker. I think he's suspicious."

She frowns but doesn't argue, trusting me to keep us safe.