"It could be." He finds a sensitive spot under my ear, sucking gently.

"Just say the word, and I'll whisk you far away from all of this. We'll disappear, start over somewhere new. No more hitmen, no more danger. Just you and me."

My heart stutters at the mention of that.

He doesn't know it can't be just him and I.

There's a new member now.

With reality right at my doorstep, I take a step back.

"We have to go. Now."


"Please." My voice cracks.

"Just get dressed. We'll continue this discussion on the drive into Montana."

He searches my face, looking for answers I'm not ready to give.

Finally he nods, resignation in his eyes.

As he dresses, I turn away again, blinking back tears.

My future has never seemed so uncertain.

Chapter 14


ThetiresofJohn'sblack sedan crunch on loose gravel as he pulls into the town square.

"This is as far as I go," he says.

"Good luck. You'll find a mechanic for your car here, and whatever else you need. If you get stranded again, you know where to find Martha and I."

"Oh thank you, John," says Diana, giving him a warm embrace.

"You're the best," I say, as I help Diana out of the door.

Without another word, I slam the door shut and John peels away, leaving us stranded beneath the blinding afternoon sun.

I shade my eyes and scan the sleepy storefronts encircling the square, palms sweating.

We're sitting ducks out here.

Damon could be anywhere, waiting to put a bullet in our brains.

Diana's fingers curl around my bicep, her nails biting in. "What do we do?"

I fish the burner phone from my pocket, punching in the memorized number with shaky fingers.

There's only one person I can call, who also happens to be the last person I wanted to call.

I explain this to Diana.

"It's my younger brother, Lorenzo. Kid's a good kid, and has no interest in being a part of the mafia. I thought I could call someone, anyone else, but with a mole in our midst, I have to involve him, even though it's the last resort."