Her gaze sharpens, seeing right through me.

“You're not sick, are you? We can't have you coming down with something.”

“I'm fine,” I insist.

But the words have barely left my mouth when my stomach lurches.

I bolt from my seat and race to the bathroom, pancakes and bile burning my throat on the way up.

The old lady raps on the door, concern etching her voice.

“Diana? Honey, are you alright?”

I don't want her to worry.

I use some mouthwash and exit the bathroom.

She's standing there, waiting for me patiently.

"I'm alright, Martha," I sigh.

"I don't know why, I've just been feeling sick recently."

"Well, come on down then," she says.

"Let me make you some peppermint tea."

I follow her.

As we walk to the kitchen, I can't help but notice how the house smells like fresh herbs and baked goods.

It's an odd mixture but it's comforting, like a warm hug.

As I sip on the peppermint tea, I begin to feel better.

"The color is returning to your cheeks," says Martha, with a smile.

"Now, tell me. How long have you been feeling sick and what have you been feeling?"

"Oh, Martha," I say, waving off her questions.

"I really don't want to trouble you."

"Come on," she says, encouragingly. "Indulge an old lady, will you?"

Well, if she puts it like that, how can I not?

I pause and take it in.

"Well, I have been feeling that something is different about me. I'm always tired, my skin has been unusually sensitive to the touch; my breasts feel swollen and tender- pretty much like they do when I’m on my period. But unlike my usual cycle, there's no cramping. I'm also exhausted more easily and having random food cravings all the time. And no matter how much I eat, I just always seem to be hungry! Maybe it's just stress or something..." I say.

"And it's been a few weeks of feeling like this. The nausea though. It's the worst!"

Martha looks knowing, her lips pursed into a smile at the corners of her mouth.

She takes my hands in hers and pats them gently, looking into my eyes with an understanding unfamiliar to someone so old.

"What you may not know sweetheart," she finally says quietly, "Is that you might be pregnant. Now, when was the last time you had your period? Anthony mentioned you and him are trying to have kids, didn't he? Well, well, well. Looks like today might be your lucky day!"