We've crossed a point of no return, talking about our innermost desires and given that we were meant to be wed by now, and will be soon, it hangs heavy in the air.

What are we doing?

What will this journey lead to?

I need to change the topic.

"I guess we're bunking together tonight."

He shrugs, unconcerned. "Could be worse."

I eye the bed skeptically.

It does look big, but still.

Sharing with Anthony makes me inexplicably nervous.

Even now. I distract myself by checking out the adjoining bathroom.

An antique clawfoot tub sits against the far wall.

"I'm taking a bath," I announce. Desperately needing to relax.

Anthony nods and stretches out on the bed as I start the water.

The tub fills slowly, the piping groaning.

Finally I sink into the hot water with a sigh.

The past few days have been insane.

But right now, in this moment, I feel almost peaceful.

The aches and tension seep from my muscles.

Clean and refreshed, I find Anthony already asleep under the covers.

His features look younger, unguarded.

My heart gives a little flutter that I quickly ignore.

I slide in carefully beside him.

He stirs but doesn't wake.

Exhaustion pulls me under swiftly.

My last thoughts are of our unintentional hosts, and their easy affection.

What a gift to have someone care for you so completely, for so long.

I drift off dreaming of a faceless someone holding me close.

I wake slowly to the sound of knocking on the door.

"Dinner, you twoooo. Come on down," Martha sings.

"Coming," I yell back through the door.