No couch, just the one bed.

I hesitate. "Are you sure we're not going to be any trouble?" I say.

"We can sleep in your living room too." I had noticed the couches there. Three!

She shakes her head ferociously.

"Oh, don't you be silly! Two lovebirds in our house and you think we'd let you sleep on the couch? This bed here is just what you need. Perfect enough to hold each other at night, no?" she says, giving Anthony a wink.

"Oh yes, Martha," says Anthony, winking back.

"And you know, we are trying to have babies."

Have babies?

I scowl at Anthony over Martha's head, but Anthony is clearly having a complete ball and ignoring me.

"Oh yes, Martha. We want as many as we can have. Perhaps even start a little football team of our own," he says, coming over and linking his arm around my waist.

"Don't we, dove?"

"You wish," I say, rolling my eyes to the back of my head.

But, I wonder, does Anthony really want kids or is he just messing with me because Martha is here?

"Oooh, then," squeals Martha, getting excited and clapping her hands together.

"Isn't that just perfect. Well, John and I ourselves have six. Now, that you think of it, the elder one was made right on this bed," she says, raising her eyebrows at us suggestively.

"Hey, would you look at that, Di," says Anthony, his face breaking into a beaming smile.

"I guess it's our lucky night!"

"I better leave you to it then," giggles Martha, leaving us to our own devices.

"We'll be having dinner in an two hours. We eat late around here, but lucky for you two or you poor things would have to go to bed hungry! If you both want to rest, go right ahead. I'll knock when dinner is ready."

I smile politely and follow her out the door, before closing it and turning to Anthony.

I playfully chuck a stuffed animal from the bureau next to me at him.

"Seriously?" I screech.

"Enough to make a football team? We're trying for a baby?"

"Well, I didn't really lie," he shrugs, looking at me in earnest.

"We are not trying for a baby!" I say, defiantly. "I thought I told you on the rehearsal dinner-"

He cuts me off. "No. About wanting kids. As many as I can have. I want kids. Don't you?"

I stand there, quiet. There's no point lying.

"I do. Someday. Maybe not a whole football team but two. One boy. One girl."

Anthony looks at me with a smile. "That sounds perfect."

The air is heavy around us and I can sense that we both have thoughts swirling through our minds.