Anthony gives my hand a brief, reassuring squeeze before knocking...

Three sharp raps echo through the silent farmland.

We wait, listening to the thud of footsteps approaching from within.

The door creaks open, revealing an elderly man with spectacles and a plaid shirt.

He eyes us warily.

"Hello, sorry to bother you," I say, injecting as much sweetness into my voice as I can muster.

"My husband and I were driving through to our honeymoon, but our car broke down a ways back. We've been walking for hours trying to find help."

I glance up at Anthony adoringly, as any blushing new bride would.

He slips an arm around my waist, catching on quick.

"We don't mean to intrude, but might we trouble you for a place to stay the night?" he asks.

"We're happy to pay you if you like and we can show you our ID's."

I panic.

Show them our ID's?

What the hell is Anthony thinking?

And then I remember the fake ID's. Oh yeah. Smart.

The old man looks us over, then calls back into the house.

"Martha! Come here a minute!"

A plump, grandmotherly woman appears, her gray hair in a neat bun.

The couple confers in hushed tones before the man turns back to us.

"I suppose we can put you two up for the evening," he says. "Come on in."

We step across the threshold into a cozy kitchen that smells of fresh bread and herbs.

My stomach rumbles.

"You poor dears, you must be exhausted," Martha clucks, ushering us to a wooden table.

I smile gratefully. "You have no idea. Thank you, truly."

She pats my shoulder. "Of course, of course! Now how about I fix you both something to eat? Now, what are your names? This here is John," she says, looking over at her husband with a huge smile.

"And I'm Martha. Oh, but silly me. You must have heard John here yelling for me loud and clear, didn't you dearies? I swear, my poor darling husband can't make a single decision without asking me. Now, where was I? Oh yes. Your names?"

"I'm Di," I say, smiling sweetly at Anthony as he gives me a playful peck on my forehead.

"I'm Tony," he says, extending his hand.

She shows us to a small bedroom upstairs.

It's quaint, with faded floral wallpaper and a handmade quilt on the bed.