I wrap an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close.

"It's okay," I murmur. "We're okay now."

But we're not.

We're a long way from okay.

Someone is hunting us, and they won't stop until we're both dead.

All I can do is keep Diana safe.

No matter the cost.

I peer out the windshield at the dense forest stretching as far as the eye can see.

Thick foliage, rocky terrain, barely any paths.

It'll be slow going, but the cover of trees is our best bet to avoid detection.

"We need to go on foot from here," I say.

Diana shakes her head, her fingers digging into my arm.

"No. No way. You've lost too much blood already."

Her eyes are wide and fearful as they flick to my bleeding side.

"We don't have a choice."

I cup her cheek, tilting her face up to meet my gaze.

"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

"I'm not worried about me," she says, hesitatingly at last.

Her words melt my heart.

Poor girl.

She never signed up for this mess, and now, she's put into a position to care for a man she probably never wanted to be with in the first place.

I'm starting to hate her father, as much as I hate mine.

"I'll be fine, dove.

Trust me, please.

We need to move or all of this will be for nothing."

She nods, understanding the gravity of my words.

I pop the trunk and pull out a duffel bag packed with essential supplies.

Cash, fake IDs, burner phones, first aid kit, extra clothes.

Everything we need to survive off the grid.

Diana slings the bag over her shoulder without complaint.