We keep looking back, but there's no one chasing us.

"We must have got all the tires," I say.

"How did you think of that?"

"Surviving the mafia 101," he says, through gritted teeth.

Anthony's knuckles are white against the steering wheel, jaw clenched.

I stare out the window at the passing plains, hugging my arms.

After a long stretch of silence, Anthony speaks. "Are you okay?"

I give a jerky nod. "As well as can be expected."

My throat feels raw.

I swallow against the lump forming there and take a shaky breath. "You?"

"I'll live." His tone is grim.

"But this changes things. We can't stop again until we reach the safe house."

I nod again, dread pooling in my stomach.

We have a long drive ahead, and no breaks in between.

My nausea from before swells, and I grit my teeth against the discomfort.

Anthony's looks over to me. "Do you need to stop?"

"No," I say through clenched teeth. "Just keep driving."

His jaw tightens, but he obeys.

The car lurches over a speed bump and Anthony groans, clutching his stomach.

"Are you okay?" I ask pointedly, suddenly worried.

I look at where he's clutching his torso, and momentarily, my mind goes blank.

I hadn't noticed that his dark shirt was wet.

Like a person in a trance, I reach out and touch it, even though he tries to move aside.

"Don't," he grumbles.

I pull away and stare at my fingers. Red.

Blood. Panic. Death.

"You've been shot," I say, like a fool who thinks he doesn't know.

Chapter 10

