She doesn't need to be strong.

I will be that for the both of us.

It's on me to make sure she's safe and gets to go home after this mess is over.

I'm not about to lose her.

"I just didn't expect it. I'm okay."

I can tell that she's trying to put the wall back up between us, and I hate that she feels like she needs it.

I want to see her true self.

I want to know her on a deeper level.

I want to be that person she comes to when she's scared or hurt.

I had never wanted that before, and I don't know specifically what it is about her, but I want that with her.

I want something real, and I hate that I will most likely never get it with her.

"How do you feel about camping?" I switch the subject in the hopes that it will ease her nerves.

"I've done it a few times, not that my dad knows about. He would lose his shit if he found out I was slumming it," she says with a slight eye roll.

"My dad's the same way. To him, camping is being in a multi-million-dollar condo on a private beach. I guess some of my rebellion was going out and camping in the woods with nothing more than a tent and a sleeping bag. If it's okay with you, there is a great campground roughly ninety minutes from here. They have tents and everything you need already there. We can camp out tonight and hit the road tomorrow morning."

It might not be ideal, but it's set to be a beautiful night tonight, and maybe looking up at the stars and having a campfire would help to settle her nerves.

Give her some peace amongst all of the chaos within her mind.

"That sounds great, actually." She gives me a small smile, and it instantly has my heart fluttering.

It's not much, but I'm happy to take it.

"Let's go then."

I stand back up, and she gets herself situated in the car as I head back over to my seat.

I throw the car into drive, and we're back on the road.

It's roughly ninety minutes later when I'm getting back into my car after checking ourselves into the campground. I place the bag into my back seat as Diana speaks.

"What's in that?"

"Some food. I got stuff to make s'mores and hot dogs. They didn't have much, but it's better than nothing. We're number twenty-three, which is right by the water."

"I'm a sucker for chocolate." She admits with a little smirk.

"See, I don't really have a sweet tooth. I like s'mores, and I'll eat a cookie here and there, but I don't crave it."

She gives a small groan before she speaks. "Please tell me you are not a health nut."

I chuckle as I answer.

"Fuck no. I love burgers and chicken wings. Deep-fried pickles and mozzarella sticks. Especially mozzarella sticks, I'll dip them in sour cream."

"Ooo, I've never had that before, but I could see the appeal.