"Of course not." Because this is how my day is going.

Of course, there would be only one bed, it's the perfect ending to a miserable day.

"You can have the bed, and I'll sleep on the couch. I promise I will be a perfect gentleman."

He unlocks the door and holds it open for me.

I walk inside and flick the lights on, illuminating the room.

It looks exactly as I expected it would.

Brown carpet, curtains, and a bedspread that has a floral pattern straight from the eighties.

It's a double bed with a two-seater couch.

It wouldn't be very comfortable for a man his size, but I'm not certain I want to sleep in the same bed as him either.

"I'm gonna go and see about some food from the diner. Is there anything you want in particular?" He asks.

"I'll have something simple, like fries. I'm not really hungry." I know I should be.

I haven't eaten since this morning, but my stomach is uneasy.

After everything that happened today, it's not really a surprise that I'm not feeling too hot right now.

I'm also certain that being in a tight dress like this for so long also isn't helping me any.

"I'll be back in a few," he says before he heads out.

The second the door closed, I grab one of the t-shirts and the shorts before heading into the bathroom to get changed.

The bathroom is small, but there is a shower stall that doesn't look too bad for tomorrow morning.

I make quick work of getting the dress off, and the second it's unzipped, I feel a wave of relief as the tightness disappears.

I can finally take a deep breath, and it feels amazing.

I get changed before I grab one of the cloths and wash the makeup off my face.

Once that's done, I toss my hair up into a loose ponytail and head out of the bathroom.

I drape my wedding gown over the back of one of the chairs in the room, and I have no idea what I'm going to be doing with it.

I guess just tossing it into the trunk of Anthony's car for now.

I can't imagine having to wear it again, though.

I thought I would only have to go through all of this once, but now it's looking like I will have to be forced to go around again.

I go and sit down on the bed with a soft sigh.

Now that I've had a chance to be alone, my mind can't stop thinking about what happened.

I can't stop seeing the look on the priest's face when the bullet hit him.

I can't stop hearing the screams from the women and children.

I can remember clearly the bodies on the ground, the blood soaking into the green grass.