He has a simple beard, one that looks just a bit more than a five o’clock shadow that suits his facial structure.

With his coat no longer keeping him warm, I can see that he is wearing a form-fitted black t-shirt around his very impressive biceps.

What is written on the shirt piques my interest.

"Interesting shirt. Do you know what it means?"

It is a series of numbers and letters. It looks like the backend of a website, and underneath it is written my superpower.

"It's a coding sequence. I'm a coder. Mostly computers, but I have done some work on various video games."

"What video games?"

"I enjoy coding role-playing games. I've worked on Shadow Warriors, Demon Hunters, and Moon Risers."

"Moon Risers? I love that game."

"Really? I don't meet a lot of women who play it, and none are as beautiful as you. What's your level?"

"I'm a level fifty-six alpha white wolf for the Lunar Crescent Pack."

"Damn, you do play. That's awesome. I'm a level seventy-four black alpha wolf within the Ebony Pack. I'm surprised you play. You don't look like a gamer," he comments as he crosses his arms over his chest and leans back against the railing of the bridge.

"I get that a lot. I can't believe you helped make the game. It's one of my favorites. It's the perfect escape from reality."

I know I'm not what someone would expect when they think of a gamer, but video games have been a way for me to escape.

When I'm playing a game, I can immerse myself in that world, and all of my problems fade away.

My father hates it. Growing up, I would have to hide my gameplay.

The guys that I dated liked to play sports games, but they didn't appreciate that I liked playing games as well, especially the shooting or fighting ones.

I don't care, though, because it's my peace, and I don't have to justify it to anyone.

"I'm glad you like it. I love coding because I can help people escape for a little while. Why I love creating. I would love to be able to do it more, but I have a lot of work that I have to do, and it takes up a great deal of my time."

"I can understand that. I often have to put things off I want to do in order to handle something else."

I love my job, not that my father would call it that.

I work as a social media influencer and advocate.

Unlike most influencers, though, I don't do it to make as much money as possible.

I do it because it helps people.

I'm often working for various charities throughout the country to help raise awareness and funds for them.

I love it, but my father hates it.

He wants me to stick to being a socialite, a mindless zombie that only has to look pretty to attract the right man to take care of me.

I thought I could escape my fate.

I had been stupid because now I'm going to be trapped in a loveless marriage, having to cook, clean, and have children.

Like a prison sentence that I will never get paroled from.