However, there is always one bad egg in the basket, and the Russo family is that egg.

They don't want to share the city, they want to take it over completely, and their main focus has been taking my family down.

We're the largest faction within the city, and we have the most territory.

The Russo's are smaller, roughly a third of our size, but they are cruel and heartless.

If it were up to them, a bomb would have exploded at the wedding to kill all of us.

The situation is more deadly because Atwell is working for Russo, which means whatever caused the business breakup between my father and Atwell, it was bad enough that Atwell is more than happy to try and kill us.

"I'm assuming it was my father that was the target," I state.

"That's the thing, none of the bullets were following him. It's looking like you were the target. We don't have confirmation yet, but for now, you and Diana need to lay low. Head up to the mountains, and I'll keep you updated."

"Yeah, alright. Any theories as to why?"

It would make more sense if the Russo family and Atwell would be targeting my father.

It's odd for them to want to take me out.

If I'm killed, my father is still in charge, and someone else takes over in my place.

"Not a fucking clue. We know it looks like they were shooting after you and Diana. Now, I think we can rule out Diana as being the target. She's a social media influencer and socialite that helps with charities. She's as clean as they come, and there's no gain from killing her. Her father and Alonzo would still be working together even if she was killed. That doesn't mean they won't have a problem with collateral damage where she is concerned."

"I'll head up to the mountains now. It'll take a couple of days for us to get there. Keep me posted on any new developments."

"Will do. Be safe."

"You too," I say before I end the call.

I look over to see Diana staring right back at me.

She is not impressed, and from what little of the conversation she heard, she knows we aren't going home.

"How bad?" she asks.

"Three dead, six critical, and four that will be fine. All are on my side, and none of the children were hurt. It's looking like I was the target, but we don't know why. Based on the bullets, there were two shooters, one we know. Damon Atwell was a hitman for my father, but a few months back, my father ended his contract. I don't know why, but it's looking like Atwell was hired by a rival mafia family, the Russo family, who are within the Italian mafia, but they have always wanted to control the city. Currently, my family runs the bulk of the city, with us being the largest. The Russo family would like to change that. That's all we currently know."

"So a deadly hitman is after you, which means he is now after me. Great," she says sarcastically, not that I can blame her.

"We have a safe house in Montana, closer to the mountains. We're gonna head there, and my family will handle the threat. Think of it this way, we get to take a little vacation before we have to get married. Sort of like a pre-wedding moon," I say with a comforting smile.

"Tony, you tell me to look on the bright side one more time, I'm gonna punch you across that square jaw of yours," she says with a sweet smile dripping with disdain.

"Fair enough," I say as I take the car out of park and pull back onto the backroad highway.

Now that I have a destination, I can get us onto the main highway and start heading for Montana.

It's going to be a few days though, and I am not looking forward to spending them trapped in this car with her.

With some luck, my family will be able to track Atwell and his partner and take them out for good.

I just need to try and keep us alive long enough for them to do that.

Chapter 7
