Within the next thirty minutes, I'm going to be married to a complete stranger.

A man I don't love or choose for myself.

What hurts the most, though, is the loss of the possibilities that could have been between Anthony and me.

We had an amazing night together, and if I hadn't been sold off to be married to a complete stranger, I would have asked for his phone number.

We could have potentially had something special and fallen in love.

Only now we will never know because anything we share from this point forward will be tainted from all of this.

I'm surprised by the small sense of loss that I feel at losing the potential between Anthony and me.

It's ridiculous because we only had one night together.

It should be easy for me to let it go, especially because Anthony lied to me about who he was.

That man I had met, my Tony, he wasn't real, and I need to accept that.

With a deep breath, I start to walk down the aisle towards my future husband and the priest.

I keep my eyes forward, but I'm looking at the scenery and not at Anthony.

However, as far as the guests know, I'm admiring my soon-to-be-husband.

I manage to keep my focus on the lush green grass and trees until I finally arrive at the front and have no choice but to turn to the right to see Anthony.

Shit, he looks good.


He gives me a warm smile, and I can see the heat within his eyes.

He certainly likes my dress, and I hate that it makes me feel a warmth within my chest.

I don't need his approval, but it feels good to have it.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Anthony Giovanni and Diana Giuseppe," the priest starts, and I have to school my features and keep a slight smile on my face at his words.

I can't help but wonder if the priest knows the truth about our union.

If he knows that neither of us is in love or wants to be here.

"On this beautiful day..." The priest continues, but before he can even finish his sentence, he falls backward, and a red stain starts to spread across the middle of his chest.

"What?" I manage to ask before screams start going off all around me.

I snap my head to the crowd and see other people dropping to the ground.

I see a few men pulling their guns out, and it's in that moment that my mind finally registers what's going on.

Someone is shooting up my wedding.

Chapter 6


Ifranticallysearchthevineyard building and the horizon for where the shooter might be located.