The cold soaks into my bones, and I let it in, washing over me with the realization that life, as I know it, is about to change.

"You okay, miss?"

A smooth gravelly voice makes me jump as a dark silhouette emerges from between the rusted trusses.

"I'm fine."

My voice cracks as I sweep my flyaway hair behind my ear.

"You don't look fine."

He takes a long drag from his cigarette, and the cherry on the tip illuminates his rugged features and wavy black hair.

"Excuse me?" I raise my eyebrows.

"You're crying and standing on a bridge."

He drops his cigarette butt, stepping on it as smoke spills through his nostrils.

"Not something girls usually do if they've had a good day. You want to talk about it?"

My posture stiffens, and I cross my arms, taking a step back.

"I appreciate the concern, but my day is really none of your business."

"Suit yourself." He steps into the light, putting his hands in his pockets. "I don't mean to pry."

My defenses soften as his dark brown eyes meet mine, and he tilts his head, letting his gaze drift briefly down my body before shrugging off his trench coat.

"Uh, no thank you."

I hold up my hand, letting out an uncomfortable chuckle.

"Look, you don't want to talk, that's fine."

He holds up the coat.

"But it's forty degrees out here, and you're wearing a cocktail dress. I don't blame you for being careful, but you don't need to freeze to death."

Pressing my lips together, I glance toward the cars driving past.

"I promise you're safe with me." He smiles, and my heart flutters.

Something makes me want to believe him, even though every true crime documentary tells me to run, screaming into the middle of the street.

Cautiously, I reach out and take the offered coat.

I'm freezing, and the warmth is instant.

I can't help but take a deep breath to inhale his scent.

It has a woodsy smell, like that first scent of the forest in the morning when the dew still clings to the grass.

He smells very good.

"Thank you." I offer a smile.

I take this chance to truly look at him.