Would staying with Anthony have given me and my baby more freedom?

Lost in my thoughts, I don't hear the front door open or the footsteps approaching.

Until I hear that voice.

“Diana,” he says, each alphabet like a love song.

I gasp, clutching to the railing.

I want to turn around, but I can’t bring myself to.

“Anthony?” I ask, quietly. Silently.

“Turn around, Diana,” he says.

But I don’t.

Because I don’t have an answer to how I’ll explain I’m pregnant.

Fortunately, I’m wearing a sundress - a very loose sundress.

And so, with a deep breath, I turn and find him standing there with a bouquet of roses in his hands.

The flowers are vibrant against his dark clothes, their petals soft and velvety, much like the tenderness in his eyes as he gazes at me.

“Oh Anthony!” I gasp, clasping my hands to my mouth.

Tears fill my eyes. “Is this …” I ask.

“Is this a dream?”

He laughs, exuberantly, joyfully.

His mouth is wide open, and his eyes have tears too.

“I’m here, my love. I’m here. You aren’t angry to see me?”

“No…I,” I try to find my feelings but they’re all lost in my desire to take him in my arms.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I shriek.

“Well,” he says, taking a step closer to me, one slow step.

“I was so scared you’d be mad. Ever since our night together, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. You've become this... this constant presence in my thoughts, this light in the darkness of my world."

“Wait, Anthony,” I say. I think it’s time I tell him I’m pregnant and very much in love with him.

“No,” he says, shaking his head furiously, not letting me get a word in.

“I love you, Diana. I love you so much that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. At night, I can’t sleep without dreaming of you. In the day, I can’t stop thinking about where you are and what you’re doing. Diana, I need to know. A life away from me. Is that what you truly desire?”

His words wash over me like a warm wave, drowning me in the emotions I've been trying to suppress.

A part of me wants to run, to escape from the intensity of his confession, but another part - the part that has yearned for him every day since we met – urges me to stay.

"Anthony," I begin, hesitating as I search for the right words to express myself.

"I... I never expected to see you again. But ever since I left, I've been thinking about you, too."